Amazon listing optimizations is something that you can’t really neglect – you can focus on many other things but optimizing your listing will give you the best return on your time and money.
Tomer [00:00:00] What’s up, guys? Yesterday, I was a guest in Amy Wees live on Facebook where we had a great conversation about listing optimization.
We went through the process that each of us is going through when we create a new listing, the title, The Bullets, the research and the entire process.
We also talked and went over the listing photos, how and where and what to put on each photo. And we also covered the A plus content and the importance of it.
So make sure that you watch the entire video and take some points that you can implement in your business or at least try them out. And if they’re working, you can implement them in your business.
Now, before we’re getting into the video, make sure that you subscribe to the channel and you click the bell and leave a comment, I subscribe.
So for every new video that I release, you can get notified. And I will also personally reply to your comments. And let’s start with a video.
Amy Wees [00:01:04] Hey, everybody, what’s up? I’m hanging out with my friend Tomer, he is awesome and we are going to just share with you guys are both of our listing optimization like packs and techniques.
I talked with the mayor the other day and we were just hanging out and I learned that he’s as much of a nerd about these things as I am. So we were like, hey, let’s just hang out and share and go back and forth on our favorite listing optimization techniques.
And so, yeah. So anyway, you guys know who I am, but maybe you don’t know who Tomer is. So to take a minute and tell everybody about you.
Tomer [00:01:43] Yeah, sure. So I am an Amazon FBA seller. I have two brands, seven-figure brands.
Related Reading: What is Amazon FBA: Complete Amazon FBA Guide in 2023
I started this like three years ago. Before that, I had a background in e-commerce too. So PPC and e-commerce in general was kind of natural to me, I really enjoy listing optimization, conversion rate optimization tips and hacks this is something that I feel that if you, it doesn’t really require a lot of resources to get to change the bottom line.
Basically, you could get like photos and change everything, but sometimes just changing the copy could get your listing ranked or get higher conversion rates. So last time, yeah, we talked about like writing your own listings.
I had the beginning, just like my first listing. I wrote it myself and I had really good results. And I know that many new sellers, when they start they outsource this, I know that you offer services still for listing optimization, but I myself like to write it myself because I feel that the process of writing a good listing really starts with caring and giving enough attention to the audience and all these tips.
And when you also say to someone they don’t really have enough time or giving it enough attention, as you would put in your own listing in your own product and even if you have to outsource. We talked about this the other day.
Even if you outsource this, you have to check the work of the copywriter. And that takes time because you need to basically reverse, like the whole process that they did.
And it takes a lot of time. So I write my listings. I get really, really good conversion. Ask before the call, what is your best conversion rate in your head? But I think that people don’t really check this regularly. But you have to look at the top of your numbers.
No. What is your conversion rate for your listing? Like, immediately. Like, if I ask you, I can say between 20 or 30, because if you are not on top of this, then you can be sort of opportunity that some something happened like with time or or things like, let’s say a new listing that you just launched.
And you see that the conversion rate is very low, that, you know, you have some job to do with the copywriting or the listing itself, sometimes, of course, it’s not just the copy. It’s also the you know, the actual traffic that you get. It’s not just the copy and, of course, the images.
So, yeah, I really enjoyed doing the entire like like selling on Amazon. I think the flexibility and the freedom. And also, as far as numbers, you could scale this to really unmeasurable like numbers that in traditional business or, normally ecommerce stores, it will be very hard and take a lot of time.
I have experience with that. We had this seven mid seven figures business with our own website, and it was hard. We spend millions of dollars every year just for marketing. I’m not saying that you won’t spend it on Amazon, but. It’s much easier because you have all these audience, the platform and all the tools.
Amy Wees [00:05:01] Yes, I would agree, like in terms of of course, I write listings for people, but I take it very seriously because I think no one can or I don’t just think I know no one can sell your product better than you.
And selling is all about connecting with the customer and knowing what the customer wants. And so the foundation of listing optimization is actually knowing your customer.
And so, you know, I have a listing optimization masterclass in the first class is all about finding your main keyword and your main keyword is so, so, so important because that you can’t write a listing the way that search engine optimization works.
You can’t write a listing to rank for everything. You have to be the most relevant for the keyword that you want to be on page one for. Right. So if you want to be on page one organically for a specific keyword, you need to be the most relevant.
So if you take this product and then you’re like, OK, well, it’s a water bottle for bikers or for cyclists. Right. But I also want it to be a water, a tea, a tea cup. I also want it to be a coffee mug. You’re never going to read for all that, not organically.
And you’re not going to connect with the customer because the coffee drinker is a different customer than the guy who’s buying a water bottle for his bicycle. Right. So it’s so important, like the foundation of listing optimization is understanding where you want to be on the page and what page that is and then also understanding your buyer.
So my first step, whenever I’m writing a new listing is I think about it from the customer’s perspective. I go, OK, what is the customer call this thing? And even if I’m writing a listing for a customer, I do the same thing.
I have my clients fill out forms and I say, what’s different about your product? Why should I buy it instead of another product? What’s cool about it? Who is your customer?
What’s included with it? I get all those details so that I can do a good job of really researching the customer. But step one is knowing what does the customer call it and where do you want to be on page one?
And you don’t want to pick a short tail keyword. You don’t want to pick a water bottle. You want to pick green water bottle for cyclists like you want a very specific medium to long tail keyword with that short sale keyword inside of it so that you can drink for both at the same time. What about you Tomer?
How do you start your listing optimization process when you’re writing a listing? What’s how do you do that?
Tomer [00:07:55] I do it a little different. I actually had the question and then you you mentioned that you’re going to include the the like a two keywords search term within the big long term keyword.
So you can rank for both. But yes, actually how you treat it like, you know, at the beginning when you launch, obviously you want to go for the biggest keyword out there until you get enough sales ranking and your BSR is good enough.
But then down the road, do you change it? Do you go after bigger like keywords and you target bigger keywords? Yeah, like that. That’s my question because I normally don’t really change it.
Amy Wees [00:08:35] Yeah for me it depends. So I tell everyone this because, you know, if you make significant changes to your listing, you you’ll force a full reenacts of the search engine and you’ll lose all the ranking that you had for and indexing that you had for all those other keywords.
Now, if you add in and I’ve tested this extensively, if you add in keywords to your listing, so let’s say maybe you started out with two hundred characters in your bullet points.
Right. And you’re they’re pretty short. They’re pretty good. I always aim for two to three phrases in each bullet point and then in the description and in the title.
Right. So stick to those two to three hundred characters so that let’s say that a new keyword kind of comes out in your PPC and your PPC is not performing so well, like you’re not getting premium placement for that keyword because your listing isn’t super relevant for it.
Right. Because PPC goes off relevancy first, then match type, then you’re bid. So, you know, a lot of people think, well, I just if I just bid the most, well, then I’m going to be able to be at the top of the page for that keyword. But that’s not true.
You really need to be the most relevant for that keyword if you’re wanting top of page placement as well as your bid and match type. Right. If you’re doing like exact match and you’re bidding high. So in.
Terms of changing it, it always depends on the performance of the listing, if a listing is performing really well and a client comes to me and goes, I want you to change everything up, I said, oh, wait a minute, you’re doing really, really well. Do you really want to force a reenacts and lose all the work you did on PPC?
Because not only will you index for the stuff in your listing, you’re also over time going to index for whatever bids you want on PPC. What organic search off of Amazon that comes on Amazon?
Those search find by terms that come in and kind of that’s why Amazon moves you around in categories sometimes because customers will find you differently.
And I have clients all the time. They’re like, what the heck? I created my listing in this category and now I’m in this category and Amazon won’t change it.
Well, the reason is because they categorize you based on how customers are finding you in search. So, yeah, to answer your question, that was a really long winded answer.
I know, but I don’t change it unless unless it’s if it’s not doing well and we’ve got nothing to lose, then hack and let’s rewrite that sucker all day long. Or if it becomes really saturated category like I have a client right now, her listing just became really, really saturated.
She was first to market with a popular product and now it’s like tons of Chinese sellers, like really low prices. And so her main keyword, it’s not as attractive anymore.
And we were on a call the other day and I was like, OK, what else could we call it? And we went and we searched around and we found so many other cool keywords that we could that none of the competitors were on because everybody else focuses on that one keyword, like, oh, it’s a diaper bag.
Well, what if it isn’t a diaper bag? What if you call it something else and now you get to sell out in that category because you’re really kind of rebranding your listing?
So that’s my answer. If I want to include if it’s listing is doing really well and I want to include those additional keywords added in the back end of the listing or just like added into the description or added into a bullet point where I have space, where it’s not going to force re index.

Tomer [00:12:08] Yeah, yeah. I also like with good converting list thing, I’m like, you know, I’m always, you know, striving to be better and improve the listings and improve my business.
But sometimes when something works well then you try to really like optimize it like it could, you could over optimize it then actually like to get worse results. So yeah, when, when you have like above thirty, thirty-five percent conversion rate, I won’t really touch the listing.
Amy Wees [00:12:41] Yes. That’s, that’s amazing. Yeah. Sorry my cat was just in here.
Tomer [00:12:47] It was really like laughing.
Amy Wees [00:12:49] Meowing and like trying to get out so my sister just let her out. But anyway I didn’t want everyone to like hear this cat like yeah I’m with you there so that’s great.
Tomer [00:13:02] Oh I start the process of creating listings I do it a little different. So I first search for the main keyword for that product and then just go with analyzing the competitors to embed analytics.
Or cerebral see what keywords they link to organically. How would they get this sales organically and you know, obviously trying to find the main keyword that I think is the most relevant and detent like good enough volume and start from there, like there when I have the keyboard and I have the competitors product.
I start to analyze reviews, that’s the first thing that I am doing, really downloading through the helium, then to all the reviews to Excel. First I check the three to four star reviews.
Then I check the one two stars and of course, the five stars. And I start to incorporate the same customer language in my bullet. I don’t really look at it. I’m not really stuffing keywords into my listings like the bullet.
I’m sorry. I just try to use the customer language. It works for me really well. And I have like between 30 to 50 percent conversion rate, which is like in my opinion, it’s a good result.
Amy Wees [00:14:19] I like that. Yeah, that’s really good. So something about that you said about that. So the reason that I do it the opposite way that I go on Amazon and I search for the product first is because I, I also use keyword tools and I also reverse search my competitors.
But what happens is a competitor might be ranked for a keyword that is not in Amazon’s suggested search box. And I’ve been able to get on page one for those top suggested searches simply by being the most relevant for them.
And so I use this tool by Seller SEO called Listing Lightning. And what I do is I put I find out whatever that top keyword is. So first I go in and I’m like, OK, what what page on Amazon based on search results, because that’s how customers search, right?
They start typing something in and they look at the suggestions and then they pick whatever it is they’re not going to finish typing it. Very rarely do you see, you know, except for, you know, you got the Hunter peckers on the desktop that don’t look up and see that there’s suggestions there.
Right. But I know Tomer I both have a background in and in playing on the keyboard with cybersecurity. So, you know, he’s laughing at my at my talk about making fun of people on the keyboard. But anyway, most of the time people use those suggested searches.
Amy Wees [00:15:45] And so what happens is if you’re only using and I’ve rewritten hundreds of listings that have been written with these tools that are not ranking organically.
And that’s what I’m finding is the main problem is they’ve only looked at keywords from keyword tools and they don’t look at Amazon’s keywords to start with and then plug those keywords into the tools and rank order those.
Because I want your listing to be on page one for one of Amazon’s suggested searches that is most relevant to you. So that’s why I always start by searching for it, as if I’m the customer trying to find it. Then I take those keywords and I put them into the tools.
Right. Then I look at I’ll reverse search competitors and see what they’re doing right. Like, OK, what are they ranking for? Oh, that fits in with my plan over here. Right.
Amy Wees [00:16:33] And so that’s the only reason I do that is because that critical mistake could be made. I’ve been able to take people’s listings and even when they’re ranked very low or, you know, they’ll they’ll be like in third or fourth place organically on the page, just because we’ve written they’re listing to be the most relevant for that keyword.
And I think that that’s a huge missed opportunity that a lot of people aren’t doing, which I’m not mad at them about, because that just means that I can beat them in organic search.
Tomer [00:17:04] Yes, I you know, like I said, when something works for you, you don’t really change it. But, you know, I like always to test new things because I’m coming from the point that I don’t really know enough. And people out there, everyone could teach me.
And I always try to test things like today I started an experiment that said, I’m not going to talk about it, but you know what? I’m going to share it with you. It experiments on renting your listings on organically with, you know, on Google, not with a pay that and why it’s so important when you send traffic to Amazon through pay that they don’t really show the referral.
They don’t show that the traffic source is Google. If you will analyze the click, there are ways you could use developer tools and some other tools to see what like the full referral and they don’t really share the referral. The same with Facebook.
If you run it through Facebook, directly through listings, they will look through the referral and why it’s so important there, because we want Amazon to know and understand that this traffic came from Google. Specifically.
Why? Because there are a couple of guys that did the research that I find that when you get this traffic directly from Google Organic, it really change your organic rankings on Amazon. So what I’m doing is experiments of like creating a link building profile for one of my listing it’s like two thousand dollars for the first month.
It’s not cheap, but if it’s going to work, it’s going to really be a good. Game changer in the entire Amazon industry, I think, because people will pay more and more attention to organic rankings that you have, and that could be really the unfair advantage that you have over your competitors.
And you will look at it like the big sellers or people that know what they are doing. They would just use it as a leverage, big leverage over the long term. It’s not something that you like to you do it like right away and you see the results.
It would take three or four months to even see the results of this experience. And we start today, but only in three months. I wouldn’t know whether it’s working or not. And if it is, then I will allocate enough big budgets for this.
But only two products that are working well, products that are, you know, already making a lot of money. And you just want to make sure that you stick.
You’re going to be like dominating the niche and you’re going to be the leader. So you can invest in this and obviously add more products and create more organic presence. So that’s something that.
Amy Wees [00:19:38] I love that technique.
Amy Wees [00:19:39] I use Google like crazy because Andy taught me all about Google ads and how to really how to really rank well that way. And 60 percent of.
Tomer [00:19:51] It’s not the Google ads, that’s that’s organically, which is different.
Amy Wees [00:19:54] No, no, I agree. But 60 percent of Amazon’s external traffic comes from search. So that’s why it’s important. So same thing when we do our keyword research, when I teach people how to do your keyword research for your listing, we also we don’t just look on Amazon.
We also write our listings to rank organically on Google. And it’s so, so important. Like even your title and setting your canonical URL is so important because that’s how search engines find you and you’re missing out on all these hundreds of thousands of searches.
And what do searches represent? They represent the opportunity for your listing not only to rank because external traffic, organic external traffic driving to your listing, but also for you to be found. You know, so many people go on Google and search for a product.
Right. And if your listing can be not only relevant for Amazon, but also relevant in Google searches and you understand that customer, it’s so, so powerful. So I love that like one hundred percent. I always write my listings not only to rank on Amazon, but also to rank organically on Google.
And then, of course, I use the power of Google ads on top of that, too, and we just use search ads. But I use that power to kind of boost that even further and get those additional keyword rankings over time.
So I’m excited to hear how that goes. I also love what you said about. So let’s get into bullet points. You talked about how when you write your bullet points, this is step two of mine will actually step step two of my is really identifying my listing writing process is really identifying what your unique selling proposition is.
So step one for me is find your main keyword. What do people call this thing? And step two is always what is your selling point? Like, what are you even if you’re selling the same thing as everybody else’s, how are you going to connect with that customer on a deeper level?
So I love that you’re looking at reviews because you’re seeing you’re not just looking at a few reviews. You’re like. You’re been through a lot of reviews because you’re seeing what people care about, like you’re seeing what they’re complaining about, what they care about, your understanding, their language, which I think is so cool.
But my second step is always defining my unique selling point, because I want to make sure that the customer from the point they read my first bullet point and they look through my photos, which again, the photos are also designed to really call out that unique selling point.
I want that customer to already have decided that they’re buying that product by the time they get to the end of the photos. So that to me, is the second thing that you have to do, because if you don’t if you don’t think through that and if you don’t know your unique selling point before you move through the rest of your process, you get stuck just trying to talk about features, features, features, features all day long.
Right. And customers don’t care about features. They want to know why is why do I care about this product and why should I buy it? So that’s my second step. And then I get into bullet points and this is the key for my bullet points.
I love it. You tell me to go in and you read the reviews. I think that’s a super tip for people. It’s awesome. I love that. What I do is I don’t think about SEO when it comes to my bullet points.
I just write them. I use a template, I have a template for writing them that’s very like sales funnel like. And my first bullet point is always why you need this product in your life.
Tomer [00:23:32] Can share this is the template with us.
Amy Wees [00:23:34] Yeah, sure. Why not? You know, I’ve talked about this at a time. Of different conferences, everything like that, but it’s really easy. You guys can do it yourself.
And if you use Google Docs, what’s cool about Google Documents is you click on the tools menu and you click on voice typing and you can just answer these five questions.
And these five questions are the questions that I answer that become my bullet points. I don’t add in SEO that other keywords until after I draft the listing because I want to know what is the customer care about. Right. So that way I’m not just keyword stuffing.
If you just have this big list of keywords and you’re trying to fit all these keywords into your listing, it’s not going to come out very well. It’s not going to be title.
Tomer [00:24:19] But my titles are like just a bunch of keywords together and I know everyone against this, but this works at the beginning. I just like really naturally, like someone is reading it, but they feel that people don’t really read it.
They look at it thoroughly. And then the first three or four words, that’s it. So I use it as a way through just stuff, keywords that bullets are different and images of something that they want to share about what you said before that. Good.
More About Amazon Listing Optimization
Amy Wees [00:24:46] Yeah, we didn’t we didn’t really talk about titles. I also do that with my title. I have a certain format that I use to make sure that my canonical you are I’ll get set.
I only use one dash in my title because that’s what sets your canonical URL. And I want those first six keywords to be what is set in the canonical URL. So the first six keywords of my title is really, really important to me.
And it’s the most it’s the it is the page one that I want to be on. So if page one, if the page one I want to be on is, you know, water bottles for cyclists like water bottles is always my example because there’s always one on my desk.
But, you know, if that’s if that’s what then that’s going to be my first six keywords period. And then after that I try and I use my tool because Seller SEO’s listing lightning gives me the exact order that I should use my phrases in for me to rank the highest organically for that name keyword.
So then I look at what the rank order of those phrases is and I like try to apply it like, OK, which one is first of all, it has to be relevant, right? Because sometimes the tool will spit out stuff that isn’t relevant. So I use that for back keywords.
But is it isn’t relevant to my listing but is still relevant to the main search term. So I look at those and I kind of do what you do, like I rank order them and it’s it’s kind of a messy title, but it works. And then because that’s your highest ranking factor.
And then I do my five bullet, I just draft my five bullet points. The other thing I do is once I know that I want to be on page one for whatever keyword, I will pull a couple of the titles that are doing really well on that page.
I’ll pull a couple of their titles and just put them in my document and just like look at like, hey, OK. Yeah, that’s me. That’s good to pull that out. Oh that’s good.
And I just kind of pull out like parts and pieces and then I look at my tool and make sure that I have all my reinking keywords and then I get into like once I know that my title is like fire and it’s awesome.
Then I go through in my mindset and I go, OK, now let me just get into like the customer’s brain and let me just write like five awesome bullet points. And I revisit any time in those bullet points.
I say this thing, this water bottle is amazing. Whatever I’m saying. Like whenever I say water bottle, then I just when I go back through those five bullet points and I add in those two to three keyword phrases, every time I say the word, I just replace it with one of the phrases.
And that makes it very easy. And your listing stays super readable without seeming like it’s like super keyword stuffed. Does that make sense?
Tomer [00:27:24] It makes sense. And, you know, I’m not really offering any services or at listing optimizations or anything like that. So I don’t really have a process.
But one thing I, I, I’m going to take from this conversation is to build my template, you know, work with the checklist. I kind of have a process, but it’s not really written.
And in sometime that I missed things, when you say something about the bullet, I figure out that, you know, at first when I started to sell on Amazon, I did put a lot of emphasis on the unique USP. And now I don’t really do it that much.
You know, sometimes you just do something in it, forget about it because you don’t have a system in process. So one thing I’m going to for sure do is like make my my process, you know, more optimized, like with a checklist of things that they need to do.
So I won’t forget it because you reminded me that I have to really put more attention toward the USP in the first bullet. Now, as far as research, you mentioned that you go and check the other titles and for that they do have a process.
So usually whenever you’re listing a new product that we launched, I give it to one of my VA’s and what she’s doing. She’s going I give her the keyword and she go and she grab all the images of the first page, including the, you know, their images, each listing seven images.
So I have a bunch of like 100 or 300 items. Like many, many pictures of page one from all the competitors, this is helping me with producing the pictures because I feel these days the bullets are important. But people many people don’t really read them.
They don’t get to the point that they read them. Amazon buyers are very impulsive. They come, they search, they buy. You know, they don’t really think if the pictures are in line with what they’re looking for, they will buy.
Amy Wees [00:29:16] I you’re going to you’re going to love it because I have a strategy for pictures, too, but it’s very different. So I love that you’re pulling all the main photos.
I do that for me in photos like because I want to like, look at what they’re doing. But I use my five bullet points because you’re right, nobody reads a listing. I always tell people that nobody reads listing.
The only time you’re going to scan your listing is after they’ve go to your photos and they have decided that they want to buy your product and they go, oh, maybe I have like one extra customer.
I just want to look a little bit more before I add to cart. But if they get through your photos and they have not already decided to buy your product, they are not going to even they’re moving on.
So I do. So just so I want to stop and just say hello to people that are watching Christina’s here, Merida’s here, Shellie’s here. Honest says this is great. Shelley says, Amy, what are the tool you just mentioned to capture Amazon suggested keyword.
So, Shelly, you’re going to love this, the search bar. You go on Google, you check out the search bar, you go on Amazon, you check out you start typing it in the search bar. And I always take screen captures of the search bar.
And Shelly, you’re in my mastermind group. So we’re doing that this month and I’m showing you all of my techniques and giving you guys checklists and templates. So get in there, girl. All right.
And then we’ve got Marina, who says, I also look at the question people ask for the listings. Yes. Did you guys know that those questions index so you can have people go and ask questions on your listings and now you can even do video responses?
Tomer [00:30:52] Yeah, yeah, I do that as well. So I answer with written stuff in keywords in there because it’s get the index, whether it’s Google indexing or Amazon indexing, you know, it’s going to help. Yeah.
Amy Wees [00:31:03] And then Pretty says this subject mainly applies to private label. Yes. Because if you don’t own the listing, it’s very hard to edit it. So, yeah, we are talking about when you own your own listing and you’re doing that. So what I do Tomer for the photos is I have my template for listing optimization.
Right. So let’s go over my five questions so that you can pull those for me and maybe maybe you will have suggestions of things that you add in that I’m missing, which I’m always open to.
I’m always open. Adding to this template first is always why you need this product in your life. And that’s always photo number two. So after your main photo, it’s your unique selling point photos. It should be represented there.
Right. So that’s bullet point number one. Photo number two. Bullet point number two is what’s included, because what goes through the customer’s mind is, OK, what’s great about it? And then number two is what is what do we get? What comes in the box? Right. So number two, bullet point number two is always what’s included.
And we talk about like, hey, this is what you’re getting and this is why it’s awesome. Right? And there’s always a photo representing that. So that’s like your dimension’s photo. You’re all that kind of stuff. Maybe your infographics, your zoom in bullet point number three.
And this is what most people put a bullet point number five. And I think it’s a mistake. Bullet point number three is removing the risk in all of your in all of your sales. If you ever take sales, training and understanding the sales cycle, it’s always the third step in the sales process.
After you introduce the product and you tell them all about it, you want to address their objections.
Amy Wees [00:32:40] You want to be like if you don’t love it, we completely stand behind it and you can cancel, right? Cancel any time.
Amy Wees [00:32:47] It’s fine, right? Like you look at all of your sales presentations, it’s that way for a reason, you guys. So bullet point number three is always what’s included or sorry, what your your risk free guarantee.
So some which you have to be careful. But the word guarantee on Amazon now because they’re super weird about words lately. But but you do want to tell them like, hey, we’re standing behind the quality of this product and oh, by the way, you’re going to love it.
And oh, by the way, we care about our customers and we are going to absolutely take care of you. If you have should you have any problems at all, remove the risk.
Never put thirty day. If you put thirty days, customers mindset immediately goes to, oh what, 31 days this thing’s going to fail. Right. So have a photo to represent that. To have a photo to represent how you care about customer service, how it’s.
Really high quality, right, like have a quality photo, because that’s that’s going to be amazing and then bullet point number four and the next photo in the line is multiple uses.
So this is where you’re showing all the ways that it can be used. So maybe if it’s just a kitchen container, maybe it also works to hold the coffee or it also works in these different situations. Use it for your bathroom, cotton balls, I don’t know. But you get the idea right. Multiple uses for it.
Amy Wees [00:34:06] And then if you’re showing what I love is a photo with like a quad photo that shows like, you know, kitchen, bathroom, you know, people see that and they’re like, oh, I don’t even think a, yes, I need that in my bathroom. That’s amazing.
Amy Wees [00:34:19] Right. And then bullet point number five and photo number six is is always well, there’s three different things you can do here, because not every product is debatable. So I like to show the product as a gift or as seasonal.
But but I also like to write for gifting so you get one chance and your listing to rank for those gifting keywords. And here you are at Christmas time trying to, you know, what is it? Is it the best Christmas gifts for mom from daughter?
What is your product? You need to think about that from a gifting perspective and all the copywriters I’ve ever seen that I’ve corrected listings on, they don’t know SEO for gifting.
So what they do is they go, OK, this is the perfect gift for birthday, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas. That’s never going to rain for anything, nor is it going to do good on your PPC.
So I always do the gifting research and I write the bullet to that gifting research so that when I’m running the PPC on that and then I also have a photo that represents that.
And then my last photo since I don’t have a bullet point for it, the last photo is always we always have some lifestyle images. Just show it in in their life, really show them the size of it, how it would be used to help them imagine in their life.
But that’s my five bullet points and and also how I design my photos. And it makes it very easy. And the folks that I have taken my listing optimization class and have only changed their photos have gotten like their conversion rates went from like one guy went from five to thirty percent overnight.
He was like, it just changed everything, because now I’m speaking to them. And as they’re going through the photos, it’s the sales process in photos. So they’re like, oh, that’s what’s included.
Oh, they really care. They’re going to take care of me. And it’s really high quality. Awesome.
Amy Wees [00:36:16] Oh, I didn’t realize I could use it. My camper. That’s great. Oh yeah. This would make a really good gift for my mom. Right.
Amy Wees [00:36:23] So if it’s not gift, well, you could always show your authority in the space or do your brand story. Right, so you could do something educational.
Right. Like lipstick. You might not show lipstick as a gift, but if you’re selling lipstick, show them a cool lipstick technique like they’re going to trust you more because you’ll be like, oh, my gosh, yes.
I saw something like that trending on YouTube. I’m going to buy this one. Right. So utilize that first bullet point as either gift able authority or something along that line. So that’s my template. And it takes care of bullet points and photos.
Tomer [00:36:58] It must be together. I agree. I actually don’t.
Tomer [00:37:03] I think I see it all the time, if people don’t use enough text on their photos and the like with text, if it’s used correctly, that’s that’s that’s like bullets in photos. So you put your copywriting techniques using text on photos overlays.
People don’t like, you know, the good sellers. They know how to use this technique. And I see it all the time with many of these things don’t use text.
And for me, using the text, I push the important keywords and I also explain them why they need my product and the benefits. I try not to really put any like features on the text, especially on the second and third.
Maybe I would put features text on the fourth or fifth image because these are the most important pictures. Number two and three. So I try to put the benefit, try to understand why and what kind of problem this product is going to solve, why they’re buying it, and then just touching this point and then you’ve got it. They will become, you know, the impulsive buyers.
Amy Wees [00:38:11] I love that. I completely agree. Like I always tell people, hey, tell them in your photos like show. But the cool thing about text, because, you know, if you put too much text in a photo, people won’t read it and they’ll just be like, what am I looking at?
Right. But if you combine that text with a little icon that represents the text. So, for example, if it’s magnetic, put the magnet icon and be like magnetic so you can do this. Right. Or if it’s heated. So the little heated icon, it’s just the way like our brains work.
If you put the little icon, then naturally they’re like, oh, what’s that? And then they want to, like, understand it. And so if you’re going to use text, either use like zoom in on each part of the product with like a little circle and then put like the text underneath it or use like an icon where they’re like, oh, OK, wait, what does that mean?
Oh, I see a washing machine. Oh, cool. It’s washable. Yeah. That is so I’d love that we’re we’re so like in sync on this stuff.
Tomer [00:39:10] So people sometimes through the photos they will use, like you said, some elements like they sell magnets, they will put some, you know, two or three points on there, like some whitespace area that they have in this image.
But then the second image, they will have points without this magnet or they don’t use logos with all their photos. And these little things create the trust. It doesn’t really create any like it’s more the great Drosten day coming to your listing and say, oh, this is like a big brand.
They know what they’re doing or or, you know, I trust them because it’s it’s unconsciously, of course, but they see all these logos with your photos. They see that you use the same patterns in the same way throughout all your photos. It creates the feeling of trust of they’re dealing with green, whether they’re just random guy or Jainism.
[00:39:59] Yes. In our group we focus on in our mastering group, we focus on designing your packaging for retail, because if you can show a retail packaging in your photos, people are going to automatically associate that with a trusted brand.
And so we always talk about and this is the problem that all these new sellers are running into now, they’re having to list their products and they’ll get jaded, like I’m working with a lady right now. She just got gaited after she listed her listing with live.
And we needed to improve her listing because it was not showing up in search. She had all the wrong keywords in there. Well, she went to edit her listing and she was gaited and she had to submit pictures of her product in the packaging.
And the packaging requirements are that you have to have the brand name, the manufacturer name the the UPC, not the FNQ. The UPC, yes. Yes. For ungaiting.
Yeah. Because FNQ is Amazon’s version of a label, but they need your UPC on it. Right. And then having your your your contact email and your location manufacturer’s location and contact email.
Tomer [00:41:11] They ask me for that too on the packaging. So what I did in order to trigger them, don’t try it. But what I did is have my manufacturer produce like one box with my address there, because on the mass production I didn’t put address.
So I had them like they’d have like thirty dollars and it would bring like something in a day or two with the address and then I would send them and they, they approved me.
Amy Wees [00:41:32] And that’s why I teach people from the get go in our mastering group. That’s what we do. We in my course I teach you from the get go like this is what your packaging needs to look like.
And this these are the components that you need to include because then you’re not limited Amazon either. Right. Amazon’s going to improve you like this.
You’re going to create trust with the customers. A lot of people spend a lot of money on gift boxes because that’s a thing I don’t know, somebody is teaching that.
But but a lot of people spend a lot of money on gift boxes instead of making really legit retail looking packaging and. Already packaging and you’re creating more trust with the buyer if you have more of a retail ready packaging in here, like just maximizing your brand.
So I, I love I love that idea Tomer of including your branding. I love like including the logos in the photos and just really like, hey, this is not just a generic thing and that’s the way that we can compete.
Right. Because we might not be able to compete with a factory that’s directly listing their products and doesn’t have experience selling direct to consumers.
So they’re making their prices way too low for margin. We might not be able to compete with their prices, but we can compete in brand and interest.
And I think that that is such an important part. So let’s before we get I mean, we’ve been going for forty eight minutes. What about description’s? So I of course use A plus content.
I think you have to it’s so, so important to show show your brand is legit. The biggest mistake I see in A plus content is people will do such a good job in A plus content.
They make their brand look so good they call out their unique selling proposition, all that stuff. And in their main photos, in their seven photos or eight photos, they don’t they’re crap.
But the customer looks through those seven photos first and then they scroll that if if they decide, then then they’ll scroll down and look at your ABC. So I always see problems with that.
Whenever I’m doing listing reviews, I see problems with that. So speaking of listing reviews, if you guys want me to review your listing and tell you exactly what I would do to fix it, just go to [email protected]/listing-review or just find it from the services menu.
But anyway, I do tons of listing reviews for free and just tell you guys like, hey, this is what I would fix but description’s. So if you don’t have A plus content, I do a call to action because remember description shows up first on mobile.
So I do a call to action. You make sure your HTML formatting it. You guys come on. Sellar app has a free HTML formatter, others Amazon product description, .com or something like that. Like Google it. Right?
Tomer [00:44:10] Even just a normal just like right. What do you see. What you get Ed on and you get like view source code. You copy that, you put a description.
Amy Wees [00:44:19] Oh I haven’t seen. You’re so smart. I love that. So definitely html format it like because it needs to look pretty and then it needs to be more than a blob of text.
Even if you’re a brand new seller and you don’t have A plus content yet. If you’re in my listing optimization master class this month or in the mastermind group this month, I teach you guys how to do your own eight plus content.
It’s so easy to do like it’s not that hard. It’s literally just some pictures with pixels. So you can do that very easily. But Tomer tell us what you do for A plus content or for your description. What’s your strategy?
Tomer [00:44:56] It’s a topic that I tested a lot this year. Actually, I wanted to see that because as a buyer, to be honest, you know, maybe I’m different. But when I come in search for something on Amazon and, you know, like all of us, I buy when I was an everyday thing and I went, I search for something.
I just look through the photos. Maybe I would like you said after I maybe I still have doubts or questions. I will read the bullet. But normally through the picture I just buy it.
And I never really look at that day plus content. I don’t have to scroll down, to be honest. Maybe it’s because me and most of the buyers buy like a relatively cheap items, like up to thirty dollars. So you don’t really care because you know already that in case you have a problem, you can return it. So there is no really risk here.
So I check the A-Plus, but I wanted to verify what I think. And you know test it out based on data, based on numbers. So I, you know, put the listing without a blast content and with a plus content.
I want to see how it’s impacting the conversion rate. And I also tried a couple of versions. I did the main aim, you know, follow the good guidelines, like putting a dummy to your pictures, showing your item and then putting some text following the research on the best of the best.
But like good looking A plus content, you just kind of mimic what they did. And to be honest, this changed a lot. Didn’t change. Sometimes I got lower conversion rate, so I kind of put it on hold.
For example, edit I mean, for listings that they’re already sending, I think that it could hurt a lot. But I didn’t see a big difference in conversions like it’s lifting the conversions in my experience that they did.
And if they do this on a couple of listings. So for me now, I don’t really focus on A-Plus content that much, to be honest.
Amy Wees [00:46:50] So when you’re doing a new listing, do you do you build the A plus content? or you just do a text description, just to get it out there? Right.
Tomer [00:47:00] Yeah, because Amazon, you could do many, many. Things in your business to my resources are limited. I have to focus on what these do. I told you before this.
We discussed a little bit about a book called The One Thing by Gary Keller, and he really explained that you have to identify what is this one thing that you could do that will make your life easier or eliminate all the other tasks together.
And for me, when I start my day, I have like my list of tasks that we need to move aside. Everything that we really want really change the bottom line. And based on the experience that they did, it doesn’t really make a big difference.
So, yeah, maybe I will do it, but they leave it for later stage. First, I focus on getting a good title. Images, of course, the best or the most important thing. And then bullet.
I upload everything and then the PPC is the next priority, setting up the campaign’s. And just setting up I also have a checklist for lunch, like what are they planning to do with this for a description, I, I have a question for you, because when you have A plus content, you also have your own keywords in the product description.
But they don’t really show. But they there are in the back end. So maybe you can use it as a strategy, just stuff you wouldn’t bother description. And if a plus content and you know, I didn’t really try it or like get defensive.
Amy Wees [00:48:28] So to piggyback off what you said and we have a couple of questions, Mooki says, how about having a video and the listing? Yes. Movie and video ads all day long.
They’re my best highs converting video ads and like the seventh picture to video. Yeah. Yep, yeah. So doing videos, I love it. If you can do it, do it. Absolutely. Christina says 30 days that smart honest says Jeopardy question. I play Jeopardy with my group, but it’s fun.
They’re they’re super smart. OK, so you the what you did was split testing. I completely agree. I completely agree because the good news about me being a seller and a consultant is and a copywriter is that I get to see the results of my work.
I’m not just writing people’s listings and then like never seeing that listing again, like I’m working with these people and seeing the results of my work in like and then who are setting up their PPC and their extoll driving, like we’re seeing like the whole ballgame kind of get put together and the results of it.
And that’s that’s really cool. So I do get to do a lot more split testing than just with my own brands, and that’s really super fun. I agree with you that a plus content does not make a huge difference in conversions. If people are stressed out about it, I tell them the same thing.
Like just don’t just don’t worry about like worry about the things that you can focus on and that you can that are going to move the needle. A plus content is not necessarily going to move the needle a whole lot.
You know, if you if you have to focus on anything, make sure that those seven photos at the top of your listing are fantastic and take, you know, the customer through that thought process, through that sales process. Nail that. Stop the scroll.
That’s what I call it. I’m like, hey, guys, no one will. They don’t get to scroll down in your listing. They don’t get to see all those suggested other products by Amazon. They stay right here and they add to cart. That’s the rule. That’s what we want. Right.
We want everything up here, nearby box land to look amazing. So, yeah, I agree with you. I have tested this. We’ve tested it with leaving the old because you still get the old description field, even if you have A plus content.
So you can put the text there and it’s fine. The text inside of eight plus content that you write inside of the content also indexes. So that’s helpful. And then there’s some key word fields like in some of the images.
And I think that those work, but I don’t know that they I think that it might be more for image searches from what I’ve tested and not necessarily for like image searches externally, Amazon and not necessarily like for help.
Amy Wees [00:51:11] In ranking your listings.
Tomer [00:51:12] On the archive. I think you’re right. I think, yeah, in the html code
Amy Wees [00:51:18] And so we focus on like if I have a client that comes to me and they already have a plus content, especially if we’re not redesigning that A plus content, I focus on making sure that I’m fitting as many of my phrases like my important keywords and phrases into then the title, those five bullet points and the back end search terms.
Oh, before we go, we have to talk about back in search terms, because I know that. OK, so first of all, subject matter and target audience, which used to index now got removed from all the listings because Amazon’s having happy times lately and changing everything up high.
Tomer [00:51:58] For some listings, you still have the subject matter.
Amy Wees [00:51:59] And I know in you know, what else I discovered is in the more details tab, sometimes they just move it over. So I’ve found in the more details tab that sometimes their subject matter and stuff.
So make sure you guys check out the more details tab. And then the other thing for the more details tab, what I do, my little hack is I, I search for the product on Amazon and I look at the filters on the left-hand side and I add or I’ll use the product, the product classifier tool and I’ll search for that product.
And it gives you like all the departments, like the categories and stuff. And I use those category words in my backend, in my more details tab. And that really helps in indexing and in showing up under more like category filter searches.
So that’s like my more details and then for search terms, for backend keywords. What I do is I look at my tool, I look at listing lightning bi-seller as I look at their whatever I didn’t use in the listing.
Because it keeps track of what I used in the listing and it gives me suggestions, but if I have, what I do is I’ll reverse search my top competitors and then I will say I’ll pull all of their keywords.
And then I go into a duplicate word removal tool and I paste all the keywords in there and I just remove all the duplicates. And then I put them in alphabetical order and I look at what I already used in the listing.
And then that means that whatever keywords they’re ranking for are going to be at least in the back end of my listing, if not in the front end. So that’s my that’s how I do back in keywords. What about you? What do you do for back end keywords?
Tomer [00:53:39] You know, the more we talk, the more and we are very similar in the way we think.
I do the same thing. I just go to the Torns. I forgot the website name turn cay or something like that. You remove duplicate by order. So what I do, I analyze like 20 competitors, take all their organic rankings.
I move aside the pieces that are ranked between one to 15 because those are the key words to drive sales to their listing and just put them like remove duplicates and then remove.
And then I just stay with at least a few words and then I put it in the search. And one thing that is neglected is some other attributes like color. If you send nice, they would put you like Select Blade Edge.
Tomer [00:54:25] Some fields will be free text and you can use this free text to get more rankings so people don’t really use it enough.
But wherever you can feel keywords or any benefits or features of your product, just put it there.
It’s free. Why not? It’s not going to hurt sometimes you see listing and they started to put it that first above the bullets you see style size, you see all these metrics, which it’s a big advantage because first of all, this thing looks different when people open five listings and they see your immediate, like, extending out, you know, second, you know, it’s like whether these keywords are ranked four or not and, you know, it’s free.
Now, I also you started to use the list in the Seller Central. They have this listing quality tool where it’s very easy to see what you’re missing and improve listing quality. I don’t know whether it’s new or not, but I saw it like a couple of weeks ago.
Amy Wees [00:55:20] Yeah, that and if you’re having issues with your listing, it’s it’s underneath reports. I think it’s like reports at least in quality. Yeah. And then you can download that. So sorry. Say it again. Where is it located.
Tomer [00:55:34] Inventory improve listing quality.
Amy Wees [00:55:36] Yes. And so if you’re having issues with any supressed listings too, you can download that report, fix whatever is in the blue.
I think it is, and then upload it and then I’ll fix it. Oh Mooky, says Mookie’s and Mooky. What’s up with you, man? I haven’t heard from you in forever. I’m calling you out right now.
A plus content. Mooky says product matrix allows cross-selling your other products for free. Yes, I would love some brands are doing that. That’s so smart.
I haven’t played with that yet, but I definitely I want to do that. So thank you for reminding us. Yes, that’s one thing. Now, what about flat files? Do you use flat files?
Tomer [00:56:15] Yeah, sometimes I’m not a big fan of flat files, but yeah. You know, one trick that they use the flat files, sometimes a listing suppressed or you can change something through the seller central interface, let’s say the character’s name it or something we’re on track to do.
It is due to a flat file and it will go through. So for example, let’s say you have a listing with one hundred characters limitation, but you want more maybe. I don’t know if it’s a gray or black, but, you know, they didn’t like I’m not doing anything wrong.
I’m just using your tools. So I’m trying to put in a hundred and fifty, let’s say, through the flat file, upload it and it goes through. So that’s when I use select from this.
But other than that, I use like just use the Amazon so essential, even like four variations, because usually I don’t have, you know, private label sellers, like we don’t have a lot of listings.
Amy Wees [00:57:06] So you don’t have like eight hundred listings to update or something.
Some of the some of the bigger brands that come from retail do come in and you know, they they need a flat file. But I agree with you, I only really use it for for updating.
So if I’m if I have a listing that’s there already and I need to update the images or the bullet points or something, I don’t like dealing with Amazon’s like, wait fifteen minutes.
Like if you use a flat file, it’s just going to update and you’re not going to have that, like especially if you want to update your title. Oh my God. Jeez. A flat file all day long because you’ll avoid the the issues the seller support going back and forth over nothing. It’s just it’s not worth it.
Tomer [00:57:48] So that’s one one thing about it. It’s not really related but. I suggest that you monitor the page where you upload the flat files, why? Some it was very weird, but a friend of mine, she she’s very known in the Amazon space.
I’m not going to mention her name, but she had an issue of her listing going down just before I thank you for. And what you saw is on the fact that five of section you have these three, right. So she seems like a lot of uploads, but it wasn’t there.
So she started to investigate. And apparently probably we can’t really prove that. All I know what it was started is that the employees that have access, they basically uploaded that file. You know, the IP was the Chinese IP, that it’s the Amazon.
Funny, because Amazon provided IP details when they opened the case because they had the same thing on my listing as well. In the Canadian marketplace, we see Flatt’s files uploads, but it’s not us.
So then I was freaking out who is doing it with uploading that, and that was causing these things to be suppressed for like three weeks.
Amy Wees [00:59:07] Yeah, and that’s so your competitors can actually they can list your product and they can because you can list any product on Amazon in your account.
Tomer [00:59:17] What this is something new. Maybe you can do it from your own account and change listings, but someone kind of got into my account and upload it.
So it must be a and someone to have access to Amazon. You know, it must be that.
Amy Wees [00:59:33] Well, what do you can do so I used to be a reseller, right? I used to do wholesale where I was selling other brands products and anyone can list a product in their account and and actually upload a flat file and it will still do it.
But I think if you have a bit, I think if you have vendor access, you might be able to upload to others accounts, but it still shows up for the listing, even if they do it from their account. It still shows up in your account because it’s a flat file for that ason.
So it still shows up. But yeah, that’s exactly what can happen. And so that’s how a lot of people are taking down competitors listings as they’re just putting, like, malicious stuff in the flat files that caused the list to get flagged they put there.
Tomer [01:00:18] Yeah, they put like a deregulated keywords, like, you know, it’s insane.
Amy Wees [01:00:23] Yeah. So you guys definitely fill out all those fields that Tommy was talking about, like utilize those fields, make sure that you’re and then the the upload page that we’re talking about is if you go to inventory, add products via upload.
That’s where you look at the upload page and you can see like and then there’s like three tabs there. One is like the the download your templates and then the other one is upload a file and then the third one is like monitor upload status.
And so you want to go to that upload status page and look at the history and see what’s been uploaded and, and check it out, because if you’re having issues with highjackers or whatever and this one, when we say highjackers, we don’t mean somebody selling your white label product on your you’re listing like, OK, guys, you’ve got to you’ve got to do better if you’re having those problems. But in terms of like someone honestly, like you have a legit private label product and somebody getting you shut down, like that’s that’s serious highjacking.
Or I’ve had clients where they had their listing taken over. All the images changed everything. And they’re like, what the heck? And people are buying them and they’re getting mad because it’s not the same product. And they’re like, I didn’t what how did you how do I even get this back?
So, yeah, it’s definitely Amazon has issues with that. But in terms of you as a private label, defending your listing and and making sure that you understand what’s going on, definitely should.
Even if you’re not really good with files, you should at least be aware of them and how to use them and where they are so that you can monitor those things because and I’m very lucky, I consider myself very lucky. I never had problems like that. But I, I don’t I don’t think it’s impossible at all.
Tomer [01:02:06] Look, you know, don’t bring it. I, you know, have issues, but I don’t want to talk about it.
Amy Wees [01:02:14] I know it’s terrible. OK, let’s end on a positive note. So we have given these folks Mooki says Amazon just released a new tool to upload pictures.
OK, cool. And Shelly says, I had people download flat files in Chinese ask seller central, but they did not have a clue. And Christina says flat files are my nemesis.
She’s a copywriter, too. So, OK, so let’s end this thing on a positive note. Let’s both give if you could do if you could give any like number one secret tip for your listing optimization that you use to really help you make more sales, something that you that you would either contribute as your top tip or something that no matter what is something kind of your one of your go to methods.
What do you think it would be?
Tomer [01:03:14] Yeah, I would say you mentioned this before, but packaging, that’s my secret. They feel it’s my secret to create first a premium.
Tomer [01:03:24] Look, that’s why I also I never really compete on prices. I always like in all the products. I said I’m always the most expensive guy because I create this premium feeling through the boxy. And second reason why I use the box is to send out.
So it’s a big part of also the product research, because if we go after products and we see that all the competitors on page number one use packaging, use boxes, I’m kind of know already that they know what they’re doing and I’m kind of staying away from this niche.
So for me, it’s a way to stand out to my packaging. And I write those keywords there. And it’s not just packaging. You have to come with really amazing packaging.
And what I like to do when I give specs to the guy or whoever is going to design the package for me is really handing him all the details, all the old what he needs. So even if he is not like top designer, because I did the research and explain it in a good enough way, I can get from them a lot like more than what they will do.
If I would just tell them this is the product, this is what they need. You know, this is the. Really related with this site, and I go to ninety nine designs and I look through other people that ordered boxes in and you know, it gives you so much inspiration because usually 99 designs.
It’s people designing packages for retailers or more competitive niches that they really fight through the package on on your attention. So usually if they’re doing a really good job with that.
So you have to come up with the package that looks amazing. Recently I see more and more people using it. And you see Jenny Sellers doing it, too. But actually, the way that design is actually hurting because it looks cheap, you know, so make sure that these look awesome, look amazing.
Like something that you would look at and say, well, looks like they really took the time to design something unique and it’s standing out. And that’s my tip for Listing’s. That’s the most important thing in marketing.
Tomer [01:05:31] I love that tip. It’s so good. I agree completely. Like we need to take it. If we if we really want to build a brand and be taken seriously, we have to actually build a brand and be taken seriously.
So that is such a great tip. I love it. My my favorite tip for folks is guys, don’t get lost in your software. Take the time once a week to look at your listing on the page next to your competitors.
Look at what you look like. Look at how things are going like placement is so, so important. It’s important to the customer. Look at your product on mobile, search for it.
Look at your product on a desktop, search for it, see what it looks like. Click inside of your listing and scroll down and see what you’re being compared with. See what other customers are buying after viewing your item. That’s so, so important.
Amazon doesn’t do it in all categories, but in a lot of them they do it. So that is just after you launch. Of course, your listing is your foundation. It’s so, so, so important to everything else that you do. I have a client. He had a ton of he he had a lot of brand recognition outside of Amazon and brought his brand on Amazon.
And he came to me and said, I’m going to fire my PPC team because they’re just I don’t see my ads anywhere. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not getting sales. And we took a look at his listings and they didn’t have the right keywords in them.
And I said, OK, don’t fire your ads yet. Let’s take a look and let’s optimize these listings. We optimize the listing because I looked at his campaigns in his campaigns, refine his campaigns.
They had all the right keywords. But those keywords weren’t very relevant in his listing because his listings were just kind of thrown together and not because he was a big brand.
So he didn’t necessarily need all of that. And so we took a look. We made his listings super relevant. I said, OK, let’s visualize what page we want to be on, what page are we going to dominate, what page are we going after? And we made our listings super relevant for that.
So immediately his ads were all over page one. We didn’t change the ads. We changed the listing, PC is driven based on the relevancy and you’re listing you guys, it’s the number one thing. So you have to set up a solid foundation.
You have to do your best to understand search engine optimization and how it works because it’s going to give you a competitive edge. And then not only that, once you get found, you need to make sure that people that you’re communicating why customers should buy your product and communicating those benefits instead of just features, that’s how you get a leg up of your competitors, connect with those customers, and that is how you get found and you convert.
And then after you get found in, you’re converting. You need to revisit your listing every once in a while. And we do this about once a week, once every other week. And we just search for our products and we look at them in in search.
We search for them on Google, too. They’ll just do a search on Google for those keywords that are ranking for an Amazon as well and see how we’re showing up and search.
Amy Wees [01:08:48] You wouldn’t believe how many times you’ll find your products are listed on other websites and are, you know, like and you’re like, well, I don’t sell their how to my product from up there. Right.
Amy Wees [01:08:58] So just be aware, like be the customer for a minute and take a look at your list. And that’s that’s my number one, my number one tip and follow up for you guys and keep improving. Keep keep looking. Awesome. Tomer, you’re amazing. Can you tell everybody. Yeah. Sorry.
Tomer [01:09:14] Go ahead and like set up Google Alerts for your brand name so you will be surprised where your product or your brand is being mentioned that websites or Google alerts for those that don’t really know, you put the phrase and every time Google indexed that exact word, you have control.
Of course, if it’s phrased or exact, every time they go to all the website and they find this word, they will send you you can set up the settings to they can send you an alert immediately.
That way, if someone I don’t know wrote a blog post on their website and they mentioned your product or your name, you can get notified and you know, it will create awareness of where website inbreds. So that’s why don’t I do that?
Amy Wees [01:10:00] I’m taking that golden I’m going to go do that right now because, I mean, I have like the hashtag alerts set up, but I don’t have I don’t have Google or so I’m going to do that.
Amy Wees [01:10:11] That’s like, why don’t I do that?
Amy Wees [01:10:15] OK, well, I hope you I hope you guys got super value out of today and tomorrow.
Amy Wees [01:10:19] Can you tell everybody, like, if they want to contact you where they should find you so.
Tomer [01:10:25] You know, they can check on my YouTube channel where I talk about Amazon, about everything. It’s called Sourcing Monster so they can look it up.
Amy Wees [01:10:34] Sourcing Monster. I love it. OK, in this video will be found there as well as on the Amazing at Home Channel. So thank you guys for tuning in today.
And we’re going to put it on tele roundtable two extra. It’s totally extra worthy. So we’ll throw it on to the roundtable as well. And thank you guys so much for tuning in today. Thanks so much for hanging out with me.
Tomer [01:10:55] Thank you. And like I said before, we could continue like that for hours, for sure.
Amy Wees [01:10:59] I know. OK, so what are we going to talk about next time? We’re going to do this again. We should do PPC, do PPC.
Tomer [01:11:06] Yes, sure. It’s a great topic, but I feel it’s a lot like depends on, like I said, the listing, the photos. There are no shortcuts. And I feel people see it’s it’s simple.
You just have to do the work and be on top of things. But yeah, it’s something I’m passionate about. I, I used to do manage like it half million dollars a month budget previously. So I’m kind of like I’m love busy. Yeah. Yeah for sure.
Amy Wees [01:11:33] We can talk about street optimizing because people talk about PPC set up all the time.
Maybe we can talk about optimizing and streamlining because I think that is something that people don’t always talk about. So we could do something like that. Well, thank you guys again for tuning in.
Amy Wees [01:11:47] I’m going to end the live session and we’ll see you guys next time by reprovingly.
Related Reading: A Guide to Creating Effective Copywriting for Amazon