Interview with Sharon Even: Get Started Experimenting With Your Amazon Business Today!

by Tomer

April 5, 2022

Get Started Experimenting With Your Amazon Business Today! Interview with Sharon Even

Interview with Sharon Even

Sharon [00:00:00] Welcome to Celestions, I am your host today, Sharon Evan. And in today’s podcast, I have here my friend Tomer David from sourcing Monster. Hi, Tomer how are you?

Tomer [00:00:11] I am good. I’m good. Thank you very much for having me, Sharon. And before we start, I just wanted to say that you’re awesome and just keep doing what you do.

Sharon [00:00:23] Thanks, Tomer. You’re one of my favorite people in this industry. You’re one of the what are the top five people that I respect in this industry? So thank you. I appreciate you appreciate.

Today, first of all, thank you for coming on short notice. I reached out to you and you were like, You come on and it was awesome. And second of all, we’re going to talk today about experiments, but before we do, can you please give everyone an intro? For those of you who don’t know you?

Tomer [00:01:02] Yeah, of course. So I’ve been in the show, I think last year around the same time. So it’s a year ago and actually, I got a lot of people contacting me. We saw you with Sharon Evan and it was great.

So, you know, thank you for the opportunity. I have two animals Oliver brants. I’m a sailor. That’s what I’m focusing on. I really enjoy doing it. Even, you know, I’m planning to exit and sell my business in the next few months. I really, you know, I have no plans to stop doing. I was on a date, something that I enjoyed developing products and creating something from zero.

And you see that it’s really affecting other people’s lives and obviously the lifestyle it gives us Amazon sellers, it is something amazing. I also got into the logistics business recently. And also, if this YouTube channel sourcing monster where I really share everything that I do with no filter is kind of.

Sharon [00:01:56] Yeah. So I just want to say that a lot of the time, you know, people we say are seven-figure sellers, et cetera, like you really are a seven-figure seller. You really do everything that you say you do. I know like I vouch that you 100 percent do everything you say you do. You’re like, You’re you do everything you sell in America. You sell overseas. You do heaps of experiments, you try everything.

And that’s why I think that today’s conversation is out of all the people that could have spoken about this with, I think you’re the perfect person because you do so much trial and error. You try so many different things.

So first of all, thank you for coming on, and let’s get into it. So when I asked you, what should we speak about? This was the subject that you said, let’s talk about, which is experiments tell me why this was an important subject for you to speak about because I know that you love experimenting.

Tomer [00:02:49] Hmm. So when we say the experiment was hard for us to get to what exactly I mean by experiment, then when you know, for me, when I say experience, it’s much broader than actually like having an experiment where you check, you know, AB testing, it’s much broader than that. It’s the mindset.

It’s the approach that we, I think that everyone should bring if they want to really, you know, one of my principles in life is never to really settle, never liked to stay in place, always to improve, always to be better. That came to me, I think, after reading that book The Alchemist and you know, it says there that, you know, men should really leave and pursue really the best that they can do in life.

And there are no really limits to what you can do. And I think that you know, this is something that really resonated with me and I took for life. I’m not really going to really settle for okay or average. You know, I always want to be the best.

But doesn’t mean that you know, it would mean stress or something like that. Or, you know, I look at others and he’s better than me and not in comparison to other people, but comparison to myself, to really it’s my results and be better every day than the day before. So that’s how I look at it from really from the top view, I would say.

But we are our audience and the audience here is Amazon FBA sellers. So obviously it would be more focused on business and how it can help Amazon sellers. It helped me really in the last month increase my conversions in sales made by like 20 to 25 percent. This is something that works. This is something that is, is really amazing. And I’m really like pumped in the last few weeks and months by the results that that, you know, I’m saying to myself, really, the sky’s the limit.

But where you can do by everything that you’re doing and running and more things starting to click out, whether it’s like it’s directed at this, that you do that to give you like exact results or whether that’s something like more than 360 approaches. all of these are knowledge and observations, you think really making you a better person and, you know, in this case, the seller?

So that’s why I’m so excited for the future because I know, OK, those things I’m going to take for the next product and on this thing that’s worked for me, I’m going to take for the next business. I’m going to do so. That’s why, for me, it’s very exciting. And you know, I wrote a couple of points on his experience, what we’re going to talk about in this. I’m going to talk about the seller central tool.

You know, for experiments, you have a built-in feature that Amazon provides that allow you to do testing directly with Amazon. Before that, it was with split leave or you didn’t even could really testing. So that’s really great feature that they released. Obviously, it’s not perfect, and it lacks some features that I’m going to talk how you can really like, you know, work with the tool.

But what you can do for things that are not there, how to run the successful test, how to test during due four? I’m sorry, Q4. So right now, you can’t run a test or with the experiments tool of Amazon Seller Central for the main image because it will take you weeks to find out whether it’s work or not.

So with periods like that, you have to really find alternatives and alternatives for me. Just speak for just with the Big R like hire audience or invest much more money to get more people to participate in the pool so it can give you more confidence about the results of the tests. So that’s an alternative to, you know, times like that. I got to really look at it out.

The experience with the 360 approaches on things that you cannot really like, measure correctly, and something that works great for me. External traffic. Google ads. And now you can optimize it, not just with the budget. Throw the money, send the traffic, and just, you know, before it was really like on blind, you didn’t have the data from attribution. Now, with Amazon attribution, it helps you to really see the results, like see whether that makes sense or not, but how to check it, not just by direct results.

Because for me, when I send traffic for ARM from Google, it’s not just for the direct sales and being profitable just for the sales, it’s also to help me with the rankings. So you have to really look at this as a measuring point. Are these. Like check your rankings, you know, people sometimes of it doesn’t work how you check what you check, it’s so important they have to check it, OK?

Of course, the direct impact of what you did is like sales and you have to check them is more important, like about your rankings for me. The rankings are more important than direct sales, so we’re going to talk about it. Do you have a topic you want me to start with or any other questions? We asked that I don’t know you and

Sharon [00:07:46] I remember you and I are like exactly the same. We talked too much and we talk too fast and we get so excited about what we were talking about. So it’s all good, though I’ll give balance here. So the first thing when you said to me experiments, I was like, Okay, he’s talking about the experiments tool in our awesome, let’s talk about that.

And then you were like, No, I don’t mean that. I mean that. And many other things, I mean experiments in general, because people a lot of the time and when you said this to me, I was like, Oh, so true. A lot of the time, especially in seven-figure silos or old-school sellers, people that have been selling for a long time, they will in many scenarios, like put up a listing, ranked the product. It starts doing well two years later, and they never do anything else.

They don’t change their images they don’t revisit their niche. What has changed in the niche? What do I need to do better? What are the new tactics of things?

Tomer [00:08:39] I was one of them doing, you know?

Sharon [00:08:42] Yeah, so many, many, many people are, you know, so I was like, Oh, this is so exciting. But let’s first of all, start with Amazon experiments and then the experiment tool. And then we can move on to the next sort of experiment that we’re talking about a hundred percent.

Tomer [00:09:00] But before I, you know, log in and check that the experiment section, it’s up, you mentioned something that is it’s very critical. It’s, you know, it’s the mindset that is important here because sometimes we have assumptions or fears. A lot of times people don’t do enough tests because of their fears. They fear that a good working listing like myself, you know, will fall down, and then you’re going to lose your best seller badge or some of the rankings or whatever.

There is a real fear that something bad will happen, and that shouldn’t really and things will go wrong. You know, don’t get me wrong, you know, not all my tests, a lot of the tests that they do fail. But I learned from those friends as well. Just give me insight, you know, as well.

So what I said about the lifting conversions and the revenue that I have in the last month. That’s because I went to a listing that sells very well and best seller in the category for the last three years. But they did change the main image. I did change other images. They changed the title, the bullet things that I was super scared of doing. It turned out to be an amazing thing.

Sharon [00:10:08] Did you do it all at once, trauma? Because I always tell people, sometimes people will come to me. You and I both do coaching with sellers, and sometimes someone will come to me and they’ve been selling a product for, let’s just say, two years, OK, which is a long time in itself. Let’s say it sells well like, OK to well, OK. It’s not like a best seller then, and their image, like, is really, really bad. Let’s just say they’re only getting sales because of their reviews, and they have their competitors have done a really good job.

And also, the keywords in the back end aren’t good and also their price is all wrong. And there are all these things that are wrong. And I always say we have to make one change at a time. Otherwise, we don’t know what impact did the conversions had. So do you make all these changes at once or do you like doing them in stages?

Tomer [00:10:57] No, I like hundred percent and how to run a successful test. That’s the next thing. You can’t run three things at a time you want. Yeah. So for me, it’s not just the effect here. I’m looking at the bigger picture again, I’m looking at. That’s why I’m so excited about what they can take and implement on the other listings. That’s what really exciting for me. So if I do these two things, yeah, maybe I’m going to get good results, but I don’t know what the tribute is, which one was.

Yeah. So it’s a super important to point that you mentioned just do it one by one. And even with things that you are not sure about, Triesman also, for example, with the title, we always hear that or you change your dollar, you’re going to lose the ranking. I never experienced this myself. So sometimes we come up with assumptions that other people injected into our might. It happens like that. Yeah, that happens all the time. Of course, that’s the media.

All the time. It’s, you know, so we don’t ever come up with assumptions or with, you know, whatever other people are saying or telling, even if they’re legit, even if it’s like, you know, for me, something was great. I always tell this to people. You are unique. In your experience in life, you have to really take what I say and then, you know, adjust it to yourself.

So with the title, you know, I use that and I was scared, but I said, You know what? I’m going to just remove one word or. One word there, and then if it works, I’m going to double down on that and just do more changes, so that’s OK, too. You know, if you’re not sure about something, you know, step by step, you don’t have to go all in.

Sharon [00:12:29] I do want to say one thing. So about a year and a half ago, we were very ballsy. My husband and I and changed the title of one of our best-selling cosmetics products. And nothing bad happened, so I was like, okay, I can tell people that they can change their titles, it’s not, you know, I prefer to try things on my side before I tell someone else that they can do it.

So I said I think it was selling in Germany, a client that was selling in Germany. His title was like was really, really short, and it didn’t have enough keywords in there. And I said to him, Look, you know, I think that we need to change the title and the product was selling well. And he changed his title and it fucked up his entire indexing. Oh, and I was the one that told him to do it.

Now I was able to fix it. I brought in someone who helped me and we were able to work on it. And then I learned that every single account and every single scenario is different.

My listing was like four and a half years old. His listing, I think, was like, Listen, a year old. So it must have been that my listing that had a lot of history to it, you know what I mean? I don’t know. I’m just saying that that’s something else that I’ve learned that when it comes to making changes, I can tell you that I’m really scared as well.

But I do believe in what you’re saying is make one change at a time like make a small one instead of changing your entire title, then change one word, you know, because sometimes you really have to.

And for me, one of the products that we sell I’ve been open about it in the past is their face masks, not the coronavirus, face masks, the moisturizing face masks, and the key words face mask changed in 2020. Suddenly, a face mask did not mean a moisturizing mask. It meant a coronavirus mask. So we had to change our listings so that they no longer had those types of keywords, right? We were forced to do it. Sorry, continue.

Tomer [00:14:31] And I know it’s great that you share your point of view because it’s 100 percent true. Do you know what’s worked for you can’t you have so many variables here that could really like affect the results that you know, everything that we say should come up with caution. You have to try it and see it in your business. Not all products are equal, not all niches are equal, and not all the accounts.

And these things are equal as far as Easter in sales velocity or whatever. So everything, you know, that’s why I love learning from anyone because anyone could give me an idea, you know, even the, you know, a guy that just started to sell. Yesterday, you know, so we all should really open our ears, write down notes, and just, you know, experiment.

Sharon [00:15:14] But I learned from you all the time.

Tomer [00:15:16] I learned from you, too. So, you know, it’s mutual. So, you know, let’s talk about it. So Amazon, I think it was like six months or a year ago. I’m not sure exactly when they launched their experiment dashboard, where you can check and run experiments to see what is better and they give you actually statistics. So, for example, you want to change, you want to check title A against title Bor even monthly variation test against other data.

I wouldn’t recommend multi-variation because it takes much longer to see results and actionable things that you can take than AB testing. So let’s say you have two titles you want to see how it’s affecting your direct metrics like KPI, like sales or CPR, or basically, the those are the things like CPR. I think for a title like direct things that you can check is the CPR. And other than that is the is the ranking something that the tool doesn’t give you.

So like I said before, with the dropping that you sent to Amazon when you change the title, we know me and you and other sellers that it’s about their ranking juice and how you position the keywords in the title that will help you index and rank for specific terms easily easier than other keywords, for example.

So you choose the keywords that usually, you know, with our targeted the are and relate it to your item that you sell, the more they are, the higher chance to convert and people will click on it. But when you run a test like that, you want to make sure that you have all your rankings before you kind of mark them. Especially so obviously it’s a very hard task. It could discourage people, too. OK,

I’m going to check all the positions of the keyword, so focus on the tasty think keywords from like two thousand search volume and up like 10 or 20 keywords right down there, up the rankings, the position you don’t even if the write just write the keywords and using them can track your give you the history so it’s you can track what it was before and then even mind intentionally. OK, the new title that I’m pushing is going to affect, or I’m thinking that it’s going to affect x y z keywords.

So you want to make sure that the new keywords with the new title actually getting better rankings and that your all rankings don’t really compromise or like, you know, like don’t really fall. So that’s. How you should really do any testing for Tidal, in my opinion, because we check here the rankings, yes, we check CTR and all of that, but what’s really important is like the rankings.

Sharon [00:17:53] So I just want to I just want to make sure I understood what what you were saying. So you were saying this. So first of all, we know when we look at keyword history, keywords change a keyword that was the number one searched keyword a year ago. This is why I mean, I’m not going to go off subject, but I have. I feel like I have to say this.

This is why when people tell people, if you want to know what your PC is going to cost, then creates a PPC campaign before you launch because then you can get the cost, which is not true. In my opinion, because bids change all the time, keywords change all the time. When you look three months ago, the keyword on PPC, it’s not going to be the same when you launch because it takes time to launch and bids will change.

Tomer [00:18:39] Idea that you have an idea for just a date and stuff?

Sharon [00:18:42] Yeah, but what if you were looking at a suggested bid that was 1.50$ and then you launch four months later and it’s now 2.50$? Yeah, that’s big or a 3.50$. Yeah, that’s the point. They change, but sort of keywords. So what you’re saying is maybe a keyword six months ago, what was the most important keyword? And today it’s no longer the most important keyword. There’s a different keyword. We want to make sure that we put that into our title, for example, right?

Tomer [00:19:08] Necessarily. No, not.

Sharon [00:19:10] OK, so I misunderstood you. So you got to explain that again. So like, why would you change than a keyword in your title?

Tomer [00:19:16] OK. So for example, what I’m thinking the idea of the test is, let’s say I have a hairbrush for kids, OK? And I want I see that hairbrushes for girls have a much higher search volume. I want to check if I change and remove kids with girls if it’s going to help me rank higher for the girls while still keeping the rankings for the kids. Got it.

So either like pushing it toward the end, then adding it to, you know, in certain position, that’s what I’m doing, how you put it, then all this is a whole topic that we can talk about. But that’s what I’m trying to test, you know? You know, my whole idea is to really to rank the more keywords and or keywords with higher search volume.

Sharon [00:20:04] OK, so then you would have put that keyword and then you’re saying the most important thing is when you’re doing A B testing is that you actually have to compare it to your ranking. So if you’ve studied the test and the point of that is to rank for a keyword, you need to go back and actually track them.

Tomer [00:20:18] You don’t want to stick in with a keyword that you were ranked number one and converting again, and then you are not ranking what you did here. So usually the opportunity and a, you know, we have a lot of other things to do, but usually, the opportunity is with keywords that you see them like, for example, in my listing.

And so this have zero search volume, why did I put it in the title, I didn’t even know what I put it, but it was three years ago when I just started, but it worked well. Then I didn’t touch it.

But now I know things that I don’t know back then. So it’s realistic is that they can just remove and put. They’re much more relevant keywords. So usually for me, that’s the opportunity. But, you know, every account, every listing would be different. But the idea of what it is now, that’s what I test. It’s unlimited. You can have any strategy and idea that comes to your mind that you want to test and just test it. You know, that’s the beauty of it. What I think?

You know, you would think differently, you have like different ideas, for example, we did a little product research session, so I was like, Wow, this is good, you know? And the other end you of something that I did was to do, this is good. Wow. So that’s the beauty of the it’s like, really, it’s one could bring any test your unlimited with what you can test.

Sharon [00:21:34] So what do you test? What do you specifically test through the Amazon tool?

Tomer [00:21:42] Yeah. So I did try to a few times and it took forever, and I’m kind of didn’t do test for the last three months with this tool because I have confident using other alternatives and other stuff to really measure it. And with the title, for example, that’s one of the recent things that they did. I didn’t do it with the tool, by the way. I did. It made my own. I just have an excel sheet that let me open it and I would share with you what columns and how I really, really measure things.

And this the hard core idea is discipline, because you have to be disciplined, you have to really make sure that you monitor, you document everything and you write down exactly because it’s supposed to be the tool that you just click run the test. You forget about it, you kind of let the tool give you that statistics. And that’s what I like because most people won’t do what I do, you know, like, really document and write down.

So this is a gap. This is an opportunity for me to really run a lot of tests, but I have written very simple like column date like that. I run the test, the ace that I’m checking the product name, that’s more for the organization. And what was changed or tested? Very simple, but powerful. If you follow that system, you can really test anything without a testing tool.

And I came to this system because back then I tried to use splitly. It was a tool to do a b testing or some Amazon tests. It will really work well. So I had to come up with this system, just checked everything by myself even before the experiment stood.

So what they did is just check, they wrote down. This is the change that they did. This is what they are. These are the keywords that I’m intending or wanting to improve my ranking. These are the keywords that they should really pay attention to.

And usually, I screenshot in the description because sometimes you have a list of keywords, you’re not going to put a list of keywords in the description because it’s going to confuse you. So I just put a screenshot of the keywords that I had before in the rankings and the keyword I want to really get better at.

And that really helps you fast to really analyze things and what I do every day in my calendar, I have a task to look at my experiments and then I check experience a week ago, a week ago. Is it enough time to test it? Is it? Is it working well? Is it not working well? And it’s unlimited? You know what? They even test the budget I tested because they party, they partying also and other tests that they did that actually got me more cells with less money.

Sharon [00:24:09] This is crazy, really.

Tomer [00:24:11] I was actually, you know, the approach was they party partying, you’re missing on all of these things. And I think you said that this is why,

Sharon [00:24:17] again, I’m against Dave Harding.

Tomer [00:24:19] Yeah, because you’re the logic behind. You’re against this is that you’re missing all these cells at night and when you’re not really showing your ads, right? And I was also like that. But then I hear this that this guy look his name and from scaly insights. They created an amazing, amazing this is game-changer.

Now I’m automated, might be not fully automated, but I’m going to order to automate my PC using the software. And this software is different because you define the rules. So basically, everything that you do yourself, you just train the machine to do. Unlike, you know, all these Perpetua, all these tools, the air you set, you have no control.

So this idea really never like I didn’t like tools that change bits for you. They decide I don’t like it, but we can talk about this in a different topic or you can bring it to the show is amazing. So it was saying it’s not themselves that you lose during those hours that your ads are not doing. It’s the right signals that you give Amazon that will boost your rankings. Why?

Because if you show only 10 hours a day, but these 10 hours, the conversion rate is thirty-five percent compared to 15 percent, then you let Amazon know those hours. This product is amazing. Maybe they don’t want to show it at night. They don’t know what your reasons are. Not to really have your ads at night, but basically, you give Amazon signals that your product is converting very like the only in the good hours and then you basically improve your rankings. And that’s what happened. That’s what I was testing.

And this is a test on the 360 approaches. Like, OK, this is not something I can really tell. Like, we measure it correctly. You have to really look at the big picture. Of course, you’re going to check your spend and against the things, but you have to really connect a couple of data points to really have confidence in that approach, but this worked great for me constantly. This thing is very simple to do is campaign by campaign, then I do it by public and eventually, I think I’m going to shift to the whole account.

So this is something that I definitely think that you should experience because it’s game-changers. I want to write.

Sharon [00:26:35] It’s funny now I feel like a hypocrite, so I used to try the first of all, when you started talking about your Excel sheet. It meant I was smiling because I used to do that. Like I’m talking to at least probably three years ago before, at three, I probably stopped it around two years ago before Amazon had the little history

Tomer [00:26:56] With turning on Amazon.

Sharon [00:26:57] Yeah, I was Amazon today has the history part of your and your PPC, and every time I made a change to my PPC, I had an Excel sheet and I would write what the change was. But what I, when I’m negative, exacted a keyword. When I posted

Tomer [00:27:14] It is the right way, this is the report.

Sharon [00:27:16] Yeah, so. So you were talking about how you do that for your experience? I was laughing because I was like, Oh, this is what I used to do, like every single thing with my PPC. And OK, now regarding.

Tomer [00:27:27] You’re special because I talked with you. Like experts, gurus in the space of PPC, not just Amazon, PPC, Google PPC too and Facebook ads. And I, you know, I came to them. How you measure like how your track record your actions. And a lot of them like this. Oh, I remember. I’m like, what?

Sharon [00:27:47] Oh, how can you? How can you remember so many things?

Tomer [00:27:49] 200 changes a day? how you can remember things? So what I like about tools that give you a history of changes, is they can be really good. They say it’s OK, but it never give you the context of why you changed it. So what you do, I also do like every day I have, I just document like a journal. I change days. It’s and it’s not easy at the beginning, but once you get the habit they leave me, it’s going to really help you, like, be right on with your PPC.

Sharon [00:28:16] I will actually give a shout out and say that I learned this from, you know him. Probably. DevilCoin is a well-known Israeli seller. I think I was at a summit of his like four years ago, and he was talking about this. And that’s where I learned that every single change that I make on anything if I change the title if I change anything I have to do. But especially when it came to that, I learned it for myself when it came to PPC.

But he was saying, If you made a change to your listing and then suddenly Amazon suspended your listing, then you know what the change was like. You know what it was. Sometimes you don’t remember what you did two months ago all the way to change that keyword to pesticides keyword. And suddenly you don’t remember.

But if you’ve got a document and then I was like, Oh, I have to do this for PPC anyway. That’s how it happened. But I did trial day party. I’ve tested it in the past and with the knowledge I have today, I am against it. And it’s first of all, it didn’t work for me in a sense of how it worked feared.

But not only that, the reason I see it differently is because there are also people who will be looking at Amazon when it comes to the departing part. I would see that people sometimes will click on you, like in the middle of the night or in the early morning and then purchase the product later. They’ll add it to cart because it’s the middle of the night or whatever it may be.

So that’s one I want to be there and to. I want to be there because I don’t want my competitors to be there. I don’t want you like if you were my computer. I don’t want you to be there. I want to be there for the sake of having that real estate all the time. Yeah, that was my approach and why I personally am against it. But if it did that well for you, I mean, that’s amazing.

Tomer [00:30:07] But what I want to really emphasize here is that while I was against it, it’s not because I didn’t really measure it. I mean, I mean, I did it day boarding, but I wasn’t really hands on the test to really tell whether it’s really make a difference or not. I just like what I did. It wasn’t professional.

I just the other day partying and thought, You know, Well, let’s see, I was, but I didn’t really check like to the mike were like things, rankings and stuff, whether it’s influencing or not. So that’s, I think, why year I took more time to test it, give it enough time and give it really enough attention. It’s not just the put the test and you know you have to really engage in. It’s like, OK, do I really check everything or just check Mark? I did it.

This, you know, you really want, you know, a lot of times in business and Amazon people say, Oh, I need this, you really want this, you really want to do it, do it. Like, don’t be like, OK, just check Mark. You know, do it really like, like, you want it to be working.

Sharon [00:31:07] So let’s see how we can connect this conversation today. So you tried day party for the second time. You measured it, you went in and you have multiple products, you have multiple brands and you sell in multiple categories. OK, so you probably started with one product. All right. And then what happens?

Tomer [00:31:29] So really that you seem like I said before because I had really like, you know, was influenced by the previous test and what people other people were saying, including you, which I really respect your opinion. I was really cautious. So I think it’s very smart. I think with one campaign, give it enough time and I’m still testing it right away. It didn’t really shift the entire account. Yet it’s still being tested because maybe some products, it’s not going to work well, you know, you never know,

Sharon [00:31:58] but that’s something you won’t know until you try. I think, though, that what you just said is really, really important and it’s very, very important in our industry because you just said, you know, you heard someone else and you heard me and you hear someone else.

And the thing is, we all speak from our experiences, right? And we don’t sell the same products. We don’t sell the same things. We don’t have the same, you know, price points. And what maybe didn’t work for me may work for you. I’m so good on you.

Tomer [00:32:26] Like this you gave the example of this guy in Germany, right?

Sharon [00:32:29] So wow. I will never forget that call. All right, so what else, what other experience, so you keep saying 360, what is this 360 approach? Can you explain? I don’t know what you are talking about.

Tomer [00:32:40] When I say 360 it comes for me, it really comes from doing PPC and Google ads for high ticket price items, so we would sell jewelry in the last line, I talked about the last time I was here, a guest, I talked about my background, but I was in the e-commerce business since 2010, and I was doing marketing for high priced items like jewelry, fine jewelry with diamonds and gold, platinum like, find the, you know, precious metals.

And what happens when you sell something that is that expensive and require more research from the buyer is that they go through this across devices so they would check you on mobile and then they would go to desktop and that they would go to their friends and they would go to multiple times. And really long time it was really up since the time they were exposed to us first time. The average time to sell was 14 days.

So tracking and knowing where to put your eggs was very hard for me. I didn’t really know I was really struggling with this, and this is, by the way, I wake him up with the method of writing the experience and all of this. I was asking myself like, OK, what what I’m doing and keeping track of everything that was super important to me to know what we need like that.

You know, attribution pretty much the first clicked last click. I really dig into this to really know everything I can about our work and know how people were first found me because to me, that was OK.

If a lot of people that came first from this channel convert better than the other, then obviously I want to put more budgets there. So that was my approach, and it was very hard to really know. A lot of people would expose to you in one channel and then they would come and write your rent. Branded Keyword, how do you know where to put which keywords work or not? You know it.

So it was very hard for me. So a lot of tests and things that I did, we had to measure on the 360. We had to measure bottom line if we get more sales or not. So it was very hard and it’s still very hard to a lot of people outside Amazon. I know it’s a struggle this year up and there are a lot of solutions, Hiro, and a couple of tools that helps you like with attribution.

But it’s I think that I don’t see in the near future a solution to that issue, especially now with the cookies and all these, you know, changes with the privacy now it’s become even more challenging.

Sharon [00:35:05] Yeah, Facebook user asked, What if we just have you seen success with in terms of AB testing? Are there specific types of images that convert better or drive a large number of sessions just before Tomer answers? I just want to say that we all like there is nine images seven that the buyers can see. Six if you have a video.

And we also different products. Some products need more lifestyle images. Some products need more, more educational, so they need a little more infographics. Some. I just want people to remember that we’re also different products and anything that we say may not be applicable to your specific product. Go for it.

Tomer [00:35:45] 100% what you said. I could agree with that more. And you know, of course, there are some elements that are, you know, could could apply to everything that you do. Make sure it’s sharp. Make sure it’s standing out from the rest. Make sure that it’s really you maximizing the space as you don’t really leave you like. If you have text on your product, make sure that it’s big enough. Those are kind of the fundamentals.

But other than that, you have to explore and you have to do research and tweak based on what it is right now on the like in the first page. So that’s what I think would and against you. So with this listing that I mentioned, that was bestseller. Three years, I did actually three variations.

And what I really liked or thought that is going to be the winner didn’t win on pick fruit, but they did. I think it was 200 votes, so it wasn’t. It was a little costly, but it was worth it because I got so much data and confidence to really change it right away. Don’t even with the that’s just I mean, that was the test for me, those people there.

And you also need to understand how each like big how it works. These are people that get money. So I’m always like suspicious about this. Like, don’t take the results. They’re like, like, it’s the Bible, you know, you just like, take it with perspective, you know? But for me, it was also other people that I ask and they say, Yeah, these variations beautiful. And when I change it, it worked very well and I forgot what you asked. Actually, you ask something, you know,

Sharon [00:37:16] I can’t remember, but I do want to say something about this question. Yeah, something crucial. Yeah, yeah. Sorry I want to say that for me, I think that, you know, tell me that I took all the time about understanding your buyer avatar and who you’re selling to and your competition and what’s going on with your your focus. We were talking about this last night. What was my night was your afternoon.

And I was telling you so many sellers like big, huge eight-figure sellers, etc. They focus on like, mostly keywords and algorithms, and it’s all numbers. And I was like, but we also sell to humans. You know, like I am the type of seller that is different from many and it’s worked for me. It doesn’t work forever, but it works for me where I focus on the buyer.

I focus on how to win by understanding my buyer. I focus on that list on the super analytical things that, for example, you do. You pull out all these excel sheet for me and I’m like, Well, what’s what’s going on? I’m going to give it. I’m going to give an example.

Last year, when COVID started. Everyone started to wear face masks. OK? Different, different example. It’s the same face masks, but people suddenly needed to store their face masks, right? They needed a place to hang it. So if you were selling, for example, a shelf, OK, a shelf that had little hooks on it, for example, that was next to the doors or like a hallway shelf or something.

Tomer [00:38:52] Like the lifestyle photo with the mask.

Sharon [00:38:54] You suddenly had a more keywords, which is like, Yeah, I guess, our fake face mask hanging. And second of all, a lot of people that were smart suddenly put face mask images. So I think that one of the things it’s that apparently

Tomer [00:39:15] I am sorry to interrupt because I’m afraid to forget about it, but I think that it’s not really with conflict, with the ranking for keywords. What you’re saying is like, I think that it would give you the best with your oh, OK. I think it’s more like a focus on keywords rather than focus on really giving an amazing more keywords.

Sharon [00:39:34] It’s just more it was first of all, if you were if you know your niche, then you suddenly know, Well, wait a minute, there’s more keywords now, and your competitors probably haven’t even thought about it because, you know, people don’t keep updated with with things. And second of all, when it comes to suddenly adding that, so you would so how would you taste it?

You would have a look at your conversion rates. You’d have look at your sales, you’d have a look and say, Well, since I’ve put this this image up there and at the same time started targeting these keywords has, have I got more sales?

And if suddenly you’ve had an increase of 15 percent or 20 percent, and that’s come from those keywords, you know, so not all the testing. Like, I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m trying to say, but I was trying to say that that is, for example, like when you do AB testing, in my opinion, you’re trying to obviously always make your listing better, right? Annual conversions bitter.

But part of that it also is to keep up with what’s happening in your niche now has the product that you sell. Can it today be used for something that a year ago couldn’t be used for, for example, etc?

Tomer [00:40:43] That’s more than I didn’t really think about it that way, and that’s amazing, you know, example. And you know, last time I was guest, I was saying, you know, that my approach is to sell really anything and I don’t really care about niche.

And I told yesterday, I’m not really like scared to admit that, that I changed my thinking now. I don’t think that anymore. I think that creating the brand now, when it’s becoming a more competitor and more expensive to bring traffic, that’s the only way to make it on Amazon and be really successful and kill the competition because they look maybe at one product or a listing.

But you look at 360, you look at the whole, the whole account I approach. You don’t care which product will sell, right? So you know that you bring traffic to. And that’s what we are actually doing with virtual bundles that work great lately. This just give you free traffic to other listings that you sell, and it work only if you have the same, you know, category items.

So, you know, I’m not really scared to say that, you know, I’m always changing the way that I think or try things. And that’s also part of the experiments, things, you know, I’m not really know anything. I’ll always to try new things that worked for me recently.

So I kind of feel that definitely with, you know, after I sell my business that this brand that these mixed products and I have my second seller account in the third category is definitely going to implement so many things that I learned about this. I love your approach, I think that’s the future. There is no only way, right?

Sharon [00:42:20] I think that I remember when I started like the YouTube and stuff, like in 2019, I remember that I was like, How old people? When everyone else was just talking about selling products and I was all about it’s not about products, it’s about branding, it’s about you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. You can’t only rely on Amazon if you rely only on Amazon, like we have children you and I like now, not with each other.

Tomer [00:42:49] That made me laugh because they can’t read now.

Sharon [00:42:52] Sorry, We should tell everyone you have broken ribs, right? Its ribs? Yeah, I believe you actually followed your ribs a broken dirt lot anyway. We have children and we have, you know, more responsibility. You can’t put all your eggs in one basket. And that’s why it was never the right approach to me. I always was scared to only be an Amazon seller to only sell on Amazon. It never made sense to me.

And you know what? Last year, when you know what happened to me when they took down one of my brands like that, to me, was the check that I’m right that you can’t because imagine if my listings didn’t come back, you know, and imagine if I didn’t do anything else if that was my only thing and that’s the only income I had. That’s your business going down the drain. If you don’t have a website and you don’t have a following and you don’t like, you know. So anyway, we’ve got questions.

Tomer [00:43:48] Oh no, that’s super important. That’s why I’m actually like selling the business. I just can’t live with the fact that on any given day, even though I made a good amount of money and still makes a good amount of money from this business, I can take the risk. Like I said, this is my main source of income and I can’t be rely on that.

So my plan is just to say I’ll take the money and just start something new. But I know that I have the confidence behind this. You know, I wouldn’t really say anything. I have enough money. I know that I can grow it much bigger. But you know, every successful entrepreneur sold like I’m talking about, like a unicorn. They sold a few businesses before. So that’s part of my journey, I guess. And it’s also like lifestyle.

Sharon [00:44:35] Life is dynamic. Things change like my. My approach makes more sense to you today because Amazon has changed. That’s why it makes more sense to you today. But it worked really well for you, right?

Tomer [00:44:47] And maybe it didn’t. I wasn’t open already enough back then when you told me about it, and now I’m more mature. Or maybe like I learned some stuff that, you know, helped me understand it better. So that’s why I never really compare myself to others. You don’t really know what they went through, what their experience is. How many? How much time and effort they put in, how much money. don’t really compare.

So when I see success, when I see someone that is selling get good, like very excited, very happy, very want to connect with them, learn from them, but like and happy for them, you know, but don’t really look at it from a point. Oh, you know, it’s like competition or something like that.

Sharon [00:45:24] It’s not. Yeah. All right. Cybee says that having a maid image that has a different orientation than every other listing? I guess AB testing will tell you to do it or not. Right? So if, like everyone else, has like a cup and the cup is, for example, like this way and then you go in and make a cup, that’s like that way, for example.

Tomer [00:45:48] Yeah, yeah. You answered yourself like like if you’re not sure about like, it’s very basic. If you’re not sure about something tested, it could be anything. You know,

Sharon [00:46:00] I always say, especially for me when it comes to testing things on my listing. If the worst-case scenario is that I am going to get suppressed but not suspended, I’m willing to do it. Because of a suppressed listing 90 percent of the time I can fix it myself. Right? So as long as I can fix it myself and I don’t need to get the category team or Amazon to help me, I’m willing to do it.

Tomer [00:46:27] So it’s lower risk pretty much yeah.

Sharon [00:46:30] It’s lower risk, I’m also OK. Not me. I know people that have. You shouldn’t say things I say online, right? Or somebody I know or have also tested, you know, having images that aren’t within tos, for example.

So for example, if you sell a glow-in-the-dark product or if you sell a product that it’s important to show that before and after, OK, you can’t. Most of the time shows that in it within tos image, right? But then all your competitors sometimes have have not interlaced images.

So sometimes the seller that I know or has said, Well, wait a minute, I want to try and see if I can get away with this as well. And I know that the seller knows that the worst-case scenario here is that they would just get suppressed and they can fix that themselves. So I also, I mean, I’m not telling people to have not with into tos images, but I’m saying. That sometimes testing those things.

The worst-case scenario is if you tested it for a week in your sales went down, if you tested it for a week and it needs to be, in my opinion, a minimum of a week like it can’t be less than than a weak. Worst case scenario.

Tomer [00:47:49] you undo it. And I can’t agree the same approach. Testing things like that, and you always should ask yourself, Are you going to be comfortable with the risk? You have to know the risk. So for example, doing that giveaways or like an incentivized review is this is could potentially have your account shut down.

So you are comfortable with it. And if you do it, dry it, you know it’s up to you. For me, in my position where I have family and I have the I can take these risks, you know, again, this is my main source of income, so I just can’t and don’t do it. It all comes to that. So, you know, we talked about those things that I’m thinking the same as, you know, if it’s something that is light and you can get away from it by just edit the listing right away and it will come back. It’s no brainer 100 percent.

Sharon [00:48:40] Something I think that we should talk about, though, is that we didn’t. Is that when I when I experiment with price, when I experiment with PPC, when I experiment with anything, let’s let’s put it on. Let’s put a price on images on changes to the listing. Yeah, I think it’s those three. I give it a minimum of between seven to 14 days.

Sometimes I had a conversation with someone and for example, I’ll say, Hey, let’s try this just to understand whether the problem is your price. Let’s put the price down instead of forty-two, let’s put it down to thirty-nine and let’s see or thirty-five.

And let’s see if that’s OK. That was dramatic. Let’s take thirty nine and let’s see if it makes an impact on your sales or hey, I think you can sell the product for more expensive. Let’s put it up to forty nine and then people have a heart attack and they say, Oh, I can’t sell the product for forty nine, so I’ll say, Okay, let’s try it.

And then the next day, their sales may go down, but it has nothing to do with the price. It’s just a slow day because they’re slow days on Amazon. So that’s why I say you have to wait a minimum of a week to two weeks and If you’re making a change a week before Black Friday or a week before a Cyber Monday like, take that into consideration to its people. Yeah, so you also need to look at that. So how long you usually wait when you make these?

Tomer [00:50:10] Yeah, I’m also with you, you know, minimum, like for a week. Um, but yeah, the longer, the better, because it gives you more data, you know? And I would never do tests that close to a big event like Black Friday or Robinhood unless it’s really like emergency or really necessary. So because you can be like, No. OK, is that due to Black Friday? It’s due to may change, you know? And again, I’m all about what they can take from the test, not just for the sake of improving the objective that I’m trying to go after.

And that adds to how to measure correctly, which we talked about. Know what you’re measuring, have the clarity of like it’s in addition to what you said. And the last thing that I want to talk about is experiment traffic from, you know, externally how to do it correctly with attribution.

So with Amazon attribution, you don’t get the data. Let’s say you run a manual keywords campaign on Google ads, sending them to your listing or before Amazon announced the Two steps URLs. I would send them to the steps URL to help me with Rangers.

How Amazon division just tells you you got X amount of clicks and X amount of conversions. You don’t know which keyword gave you the sale. So a little hack for that is when you create the Google Ads campaign, create a separate ad group for each keyword, and for the landing page for that specific ad or creative for each ad group, you’re going to have a unique URL and a unique name in Amazon’s division.

That way, you know, OK, this keyword gave me that sales. And then you can double down on those keywords, post the less effective keywords.

So that makes it much more effective if you decide to run a test or even if you run a Google ads campaign and it’s working, do it that way. It will optimize your campaign. You will have immediately that understanding, OK, these are the keywords that give me the sales, not those.

And you know, we’re kind of in the blind. If we don’t do it that way, you just have a list of keywords and you don’t really know what that you to the seller. So that’s another way of, you know, experimenting and think, OK, what they can do to really then it came to my mind and did it that really change the performance a lot.

Sharon [00:52:27] I love that. That’s a great little hack right there.

Tomer [00:52:29] Yeah, you can do it with Pinterest traffic as well. Like for testing creatives to know which creative works best or which Facebook ads or whatever doesn’t matter, you can apply it actually to any traffic stories. Yeah, and it helps you OK, like double down or what’s really like, OK, this is work. Let’s put more money there, you know, and it’s connecting to my previous experience in life that I couldn’t really figure out things. And that’s why I feel now it’s like important to me and help me in, you know, in Amazon,

Sharon [00:52:57] I think there’s one more thing that we can talk about that will wrap it up. And I won’t say the company that you were showing me listing that they were doing cross-selling. So and I think that we can in some ways.

Tomer [00:53:18] We value buyers, to the listeners.

Sharon [00:53:21] I have I have so many things that are coming to my mind that I want to say at the same time that I don’t know where to start. This is what happens, what I speak to people like you would. It’s like, it’s such an exciting conversation. OK, I’ll let you say that, but I just want to say.

So when you have when you sell a product to the same type of buyer right, and you sell multiple products for the same type of buyer? OK. First of all, it drives me crazy when people do not have a comparison chart on their A-plus content so that they can cross-sell their other products, including me.

Tomer [00:53:53] I only discover these like a few weeks ago. That also one big change that I was like, what? I’m like why? Even during our call earlier for you, it was obvious what they did to me. It wasn’t. And that’s really, like, nice to see.

Sharon [00:54:08] It was obvious what they did with the image, but not being image number two. So maybe we should say so. You can just share if you want to say whatever

Tomer [00:54:16] To us you know we all know that there are heavily about testing. You know, they invested a lot of money and they’re really putting a lot of efforts and resources toward the conversion optimization, and they have good reasons to do that because it could influence their bottom line. So one recording that they share, that they proved such a thing. And then I then looked at the other listings and one of their vacuum cleaners was in this.

So basically what they were trying, the objective or the goal of what they’re trying to test was OK, how we can have our second product related to product is the product that we sell be in addition to frequently bought together. So one tactic that they use is that they use the second image and they tell the buyers, Hey, take this 20 percent coupon if you buy this complimentary item.

So if it’s a vacuum cleaner, it’s a bag for the cleaner or whatever. I forgot what it was. It’s a cow holder or something for organizing or something like that so that it makes sense, you know, and if it’s 20 percent off, like it’s it’s it’s right, the right offer for the right buyer. So it’s perfect. So the buyers say, OK, why not take 20 percent at these drugs?

And then they tell them, to search for these keywords, add this item to the cart, and then use this coupon code to get that 20 percent. Yes, a lot of people want to do it, but it’s basically free as being a search warrant, buy for them that helps them reach the goal of having the frequently bought together.

So the effect of it, like long term, could be that new listing with potentially may be a very low budget to launch, they can launch it like with the product and ride on the product that they have a ton of traffic and sales and, you know, rankings. This is fascinating for me, and now I’m really understanding it, having the connections on why having a brand and related products is so powerful. something John figured out before me, for sure.

Sharon [00:56:14] No, you know what? It’s we’re just different. We just had different pots. You know you’re you scaled a lot faster than what I did when I first started as well. You know, you got to like seven figures really, really quickly. And we just had different pots and it’s fine. Like, we’re not in a, you know, like we said, we don’t we don’t compare each other. You are also though and many other people are also proof, though, that there is no one way of doing Amazon.

There’s many different ways because I may do it one way and you do it another way, and this other person does in a totally different way. And we all succeeded in our journey, right? So it’s yeah, anyway, but so many things came to mind. So first of all, you know, today, Amazon, I’ve just forgotten what the tool is that you can send out emails when you’re a brand owner telling buyers.

Tomer [00:57:01] About brand that engagement, customer engagement

Sharon [00:57:04] Through customer engagement, that’s it. So that’s one better. I was just thinking about this. Technically, I think their image is against terms of service. I’m sure it is. I think that threshers image is against her.

Tomer [00:57:17] Yeah, I think that it’s against.

Sharon [00:57:21] Because I was just thinking about it.

Tomer [00:57:22] There, by the way, those aggregators, I see some, some internal stuff they’re doing and it’s they’re doing a lot of Black Hat stuff like but they only like the difference between them to us is that we don’t have a catalog manager that we’re going to call to every listing like, you know, falling down and they can they have the connections and the power then to bend the rules, kind of.

Sharon [00:57:43] But you know what, Tomer? I would probably not sell any product that they would want to buy because they buy. I would not sell a vacuum cleaner. I would not sell those types of products today at all. Nor do I.

But even if I did so, I know I’ve had conversations with many aggregators and I know that there are, like a lot of the time when you asked them, So what are you looking for? Right? Because I also work with a lot of sellers all over the time. They talk to you about super like generic products, products that are, you know, like that people always need like a garlic press.

Tomer [00:58:17] That’s the way for them to scale. It’s all about how far you will be, you know.

Sharon [00:58:22] So I say that, you know, there’s first of all, they’re not the only people that are interested in buying brands. That’s first of all. And second of all, you can still do really, really well and sell on issues like, you know, where you don’t have to worry about those aggregators doing all their nasty shit because they’re not there.

Tomer [00:58:40] Yeah, yeah. That I guess

Sharon [00:58:43] I think it’s.

Tomer [00:58:44] Yeah, but I guess it’s more really related to like, you know, where you want to be because obviously there is a market cap in and you’re limited with some niches. That’s actually why I didn’t expand into other categories. I felt, OK, I can’t really like get more related products. OK, let’s look at like other categories I don’t care like. That was my thinking, and it made sense.

Then, you know, maybe now from selling point of view, it less makes sense because less people would be interested in an account that have many items. That’s why one of the, you know, I work with Fortunate with Yale and one of their advisors in tips and things to change is to remove things that are really doesn’t make sense or not that profitable.

So we cleaned a lot of products this year, but back then it made sense and it worked and it could work through other people. It really depends what your goal if you want to make like ten thousand dollars a month. Perfect. If you want to make a million dollars a month, maybe you should do those vacuum cleaners, you know, it depends on what your goal is.

Sharon [00:59:47] Yeah, know if you want to make a million dollars a month also probably need like half a million year to be able to do that. I in just for three, just to buy all the stock and to actually get yourself.

Tomer [01:00:01] It’s hard there. Like with the logistics issue now you actually told me about what you’re going through. So we, you know, we see grateful for the opportunity, but it’s not as easy as this. It’s tough times right now, but it’s fun. Still fun.

Sharon [01:00:17] It’s you know what? This was probably one of my hardest years and I’ve had tough years is probably one of my hardest years ever. That’s why I think I was thinking about I’m about girl. To celebrate a year on some of the sessions.

I was thinking about how depressing so many of my fellow sessions podcasts were this year because it’s difficult for me. You’re a content creator as well. It’s difficult for me to create content about something else when I’m going through something.

So a lot of my content this year was about like finding other ways to for source products and sourcing from the U.S., sourcing out of the countries and the supply chain because it was just a shit show this year. It was a tough year and it’s yeah, it’s all right. It’s going to subject. All right there for an hour time, we could speak for hours. I think, sir, I’ll have to bring you on next month. We can talk about something else. We’ll find another subject.

Tomer [01:01:10] Hopefully, after I sent an exit, we can talk about it, the experience, what I learned from it and whether my plans for the future.

Sharon [01:01:17] I’m looking forward to for you to go through that. Cybe said I think thoracio is the largest aggregator they only have 100 brands that such a tiny percentage of all products on Amazon. Yes, that’s true. That is true. I mean, yeah, but also it. They have 100 brands, a lot of their brands have multiple products, and a lot of their products are like, I don’t know, $15 million products, $20 million products, right? They also have huge amount of sales within there.

Tomer [01:01:52] There angry, angry, orange, all these crazy brands, you know.

Sharon [01:01:55] There are also so many products. This is what I was saying that there are a lot of niches out there that aggregators won’t even look at, you know, because it’s it’s not there too much of a headache for them or they’re too small for them. That’s too small for them. Could be huge for someone else. Yeah, that’s

Tomer [01:02:12] my my future plan. So if I said I think the money and just buy smaller either, you know, bootstrapped the other one or just buy a smaller one is, you know, diverse my kind of, you know, my my risk here. Yeah, there’s always opportunity. I don’t like those people, the suits and it’s there. It’s the it’s all about you. It’s all about what you bring and your approach and mindset. Definitely, it’s there

Sharon [01:02:39] and your goals 100 percent. Sharon and Tommy, as kids must be so good looking. All right, Sanjay. Thanks. All right. Tovia, thank you so much for coming on.

Tomer [01:02:52] Thank you. Thank you very much. And just keep what you’re doing and you again, you’re doing an amazing job and you’re inspiration for me, and I really tell you a lot of people about you. And yeah, it was really a pleasure. I really enjoyed this interview on Talk.

Sharon [01:03:10] First of all, thank you. You’re an inspiration to me, and I learned a lot from you as well. And every time I speak with you, blew my mind with something else. I’m like, Oh, wait, I didn’t know this.

And you’re trying new things all the time and you’re, you know, you’ve got real balls for, for changing and trying different things and most. Entrepreneurs in general, they’re entrepreneurs, but they don’t take the types of risks that you do or they’re not open to trying. You told me you spent $15000 recently to learn some new things, but I was like, Wow, you put so much time and effort into learning more.

Tomer [01:03:46] And some people look at it and say, Oh, you are fryer. We say in Hebrew, that’s like, you’re basically paid fifteen thousand for something that doesn’t make like worth it. And yeah, some things will work. Some things won’t. You just have to take the risks. You know.

Sharon [01:04:04] Take risks. And you’re also, you know what? And this is something that I’ve also learned from from you as well as you never know enough. You know, you never know enough and you’re always you’re the first when you learn something new, like you send me a message, you know, like, Hey, I just learned this new thing. And I’m just like, What is it? What is it? You know, you’re you’re always learning new ways and trying new things. And I think it’s important.

Tomer [01:04:24] And that’s why it’s important to be in touch with other sellers because some things that you don’t know, they know when it’s, you know, find some good few buddies or friends or people you trust and you enjoy talking to so you can share those ideas because a lot of things that they do come from other let’s say I saw this, you know, a lecture or video about what the roster is doing, and I took it. And, you know, I’m not really like I was as smart or the other person just to try new things and keep my ears open. That’s that’s going to work for you to just do it.

Sharon [01:04:58] Tom Antwan wants to reach out to you, where can they can find you?

Tomer [01:05:02] So it’s sourcing monster, that’s the YouTube channel that I have, where I try to really share everything like you and give value, and I don’t really have any like agenda. I’m not selling anything even like with the coaching. I’m like, really like it takes a lot. I’m not this type of person that is good with the coaching or at this stage in life because I’m very busy with my businesses and that’s my main focus.

So, you know, trying not to do this now, but I really enjoyed the YouTube thing that was it’s an amazing journey for me. It started like two years ago. I proved a lot how I speak island. So many good things out on YouTube and met many amazing people, including you and some other great. So that’s created an amazing opportunity for me, and I hope to see you as a guest. Finally, because I always invite you and you never show up.

Sharon [01:05:51] I have to. It’s nothing to do with you. Do you know what I get? I get messages all the time, and it’s just prioritizing. I was telling you how this year has been a tough year for me.

Tomer [01:06:00] Yeah, I’ve been to Israel. I was in Israel, so we could try to catch you for a coffee. But I know I knew that you were busy and I was doing so. You know next time.

Sharon [01:06:09] next time you come, I will 100 percent make time and we will meet. All right, we’re going to do it.

Tomer [01:06:15] . And it’s all right.

Sharon [01:06:17] Thank you very much. Sourcing monster YouTube channel. And if anyone wants to reach out to you, they can find you, Tomer David.

Tomer [01:06:24] Its [email protected] or just LinkedIn.

Sharon [01:06:31] And someone wrote, Tomer is an amazing mentor, I agree, 100 percent. All right, thank you, Tomer and Isabella. We’ll be back on Monday and Danny will be back on Tuesday and I will be back next Thursday. If anyone wants to go to my YouTube channel as well, it’s Sharon Even YouTube channel and you can also find me and probably Tomer as well on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn as well. Thank you, everyone. We’ll see you next week. Bye-bye. Thank you. Tomer.

Tomer [01:07:04] Now, please, my friends, do me a favor and share these video with other people that might benefit from this video. It will help me grow the channel, and I will really appreciate it, and I’ll see you in the next video. Thank you very much for watching.

About the author

My name is Tomer, and I founded Sourcing Monster to share proven tips and methods that I use every day for my Amazon business to provide value and growth for you as well as you journey through your own business!

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