Story of Yoni Mazor & Getida The leader service for Amazon FBA Reimbursements.mp4
Interview with Yoni Mazor

Tomer [00:00:00] Let’s welcome our guests for today. Yoni Mazor, someone I met around three years ago in one of the New York Amazon seller meet-ups.
He had an eight-figure Amazon FBA business and was managing his own reimbursements and the money owed by Amazon, which worked great, and then decided to go and create these for other sellers he created Getty.
The which is the leader these days, you probably hear it all over every conference, every place possible. You see it either which they’re awesome.
They’re really helping our community and creating and helping a lot of sellers with reimbursements that I’m actually using myself. That will also, you know, at the end of this podcast, the recording will give a little bonus for those that they’re going to listen.
Welcome Yoni, really great to have you here, and it’s a pleasure. You’re someone that I’m always looking at, as you know, you guys are really working hard and it’s really nice to see that and motivate me to when I see that, you know, thank you again for being here.
How are you today? How are things going on your end?
Yoni Mazor [00:01:11] Yeah, good. Thanks so much, Tomer. It’s such a pleasure, an honor to be here. I feel privileged. It’s you know, you said we met a few years ago.
Looking back, it’s like it’s very nice that in all these years, you know, we were both able to kind of continue to work hard.
You know, working hard is the only way to make it right, continue to work out and develop, you know, each one of us in our own domains and of course, help each other over the years.
So, you know, thank God, I can’t complain. There’s a lot of work to do. A lot of focus that is needed to, you know, continue to be helpful. But yeah, we’re always happy to serve and be helpful, and we feel very lucky about that.
Tomer [00:01:44] Yeah, yeah, definitely. So, I want to start this by, you know, this is something that I did in some other podcasts after listening to your podcast. And I think it was two or a month, maybe I was also a guest in your podcast.
It should be online soon. Once it’s going to be online, I’m going to share it with my audience too.
But it’s something that I really liked about how you interview people is that you really dig into their story because, you know, it’s not just how you do things, it’s the story of the people that brought them into what they are now.
So why don’t we dig a little bit about your background, how you even started Amazon, what you did before? I know that you were also living in Israel. Just hear about yourself.
So hopefully it will inspire other people and then we can talk about how it’s actually helping sellers and really a lot of money that people living on the table don’t even know that they, you know, Amazon owe them.
And it’s really, you know, I definitely said just before the year ends to get like Elena’s a little Odelay bonus by signing up to get this and get some money that they owe you. But yeah, so where you were born, you’re born in the states or in Israel?
Yoni Mazor [00:02:57] Yeah, I’ll tell the story. It’s just as funny to me because usually, I ask the question. So it’s very funny for me to be on the other side of the table. So thank you for asking that.
Yes, I was born, raised in Israel, in a small town very close to Tel Aviv called Ras Nana. You know, stayed there. I grew up there until and I did, of course, the army and the army. I was in the special navy intelligence.
And, you know, I’m a war graduate of the 2006 war with Lebanon. But after that, I always had a family in the United States. My mother was American and I always had my grandparents here and uncles and aunts.
So, you know, I’m a citizen born abroad, an American citizen that was born abroad, so I have dual citizenship.
So after, you know, the army, I went to travel South America a little bit. Actually, it’s very popular that I know soldiers, you know, after three years, you want to get a little bit of freedom. I want to travel.
I grew my hair, I got my ponytail, you know, tested our freedom. And then I kind of came into the United States. I did have a family business that was helping with but also was able to start and go to school and university.
Tomer [00:04:01] Which business was it? The family business?
Yoni Mazor [00:04:03] So my grandfather survived the war, the Second World War, and he’s originally from Poland. And then it was after the war was able to settle in Germany and in Germany. He learned how to craft and make leather jackets and very, very high quality.
So he had an uncle in Detroit, Michigan, and he invited him, you know, to the Americas or is able to immigrate. And then Detroit, he was working in the car factories. You know, Detroit is the Motor City. He was working there.
Car factories believe he worked for Chrysler, and he’s working on the padding, you know, for the car to make pedals on the, you know, the ceiling or roof of the car.
And but in the nighttime, he used to kind of make and work hard and make these jackets in all of which, you know, it’s very cold over there. People need good jackets, good leather jackets.
So you ready to go? You met my grandmother. They got married and also a sister, survived the war and she came with them. She also got married.
So there are two couples that were kind of working together as a team to create these jackets. Anyway, long story short, the American Dream, you know, these jackets became very popular.
They were able to, you know, start small for a small factory in that small factory became the top three factories in the United States, making leather jackets back in the 50s, 60s, maybe even 70s. They became very successful.
And then my uncle came into the business and then my brother. So, it’s a three-generational business that I came in and help with. We used to have a factory in Detroit, Michigan, and also a store and a retail store, so I was able to help on both sides,
Tomer [00:05:30] So we went after me after it probably came to the states, you started to get into the business. What kind of roller?
Yoni Mazor [00:05:39] Yeah, So most in the store, in the retail, actually. We had an outlet store, so we had a lot of jackets, a lot, a lot of jackets. You know, if we get returns from, you know, we used to sell to like J.C. Penney and department stores.
So if they have any returns, stuff that I wanted to bring it or, you know, the sizes are not good or too small or too big, we have to store it in the store. They offered actually very good prices.
So I was in the store arranging, you know, taking orders, making sales, and helping people with their sizes or whatever that’s needed to kind of run the store. But also, we did a TV commercial, so also appeared in a television commercial.
So yeah, because we had a whole team of the store and the commercial, this and that. So there are some places in the toilet town famous, you know, if you wish to come to the store, these two know me from the commercial.
So that was kind of cute. That was fun. Very, very good business experience. You know this is, you know, the almost late 2000s.
This is kind of the beginning of the smartphones and, you know, e-commerce was already there, but you know, the brick and mortar retail was still a thing, you know?
So, I used to have that experience. So, my main focus was in the store, but I still used to go to the factory and help a little bit there. See, you know, how the manufacturing is being done has been done.
Most of the factory in manufacturing is overseas and they go overseas to China to see how it’s all gets done. But some clients want to order us made, let’s say, your General Motors and Ford and your union and you can only buy American made.
So, they want some of their, you know, they want to buy ten thousand jackets for their team. Is this Ford on it or General Motors or Chevrolet? Whatever it is, they need to buy us made? So we still have a, you know, a US-made facility there.
So I saw, you know, the assembly line, everything taking orders, it just a great privilege for me to go and see that kind of environment Old-School manufacturing in the United States.
But also the retail side of things, you know, driving traffic with commercials. So all together was, you know, a good experience.
But at the same time, I also started, you know, going to school, I was able to find my wife, get married, get settled, and then later on, what happened was from that business. My brother is, you know, an entrepreneur, and he’s doing that business.
He also launched a partnership, a supplements company. And that supplements company. I was asked to help out and then that’s when I kind of moved to the New Jersey area because before that, I was living in Detroit and then we were able to
Tomer [00:07:58] Because he was living in New Jersey or while he was living in?
Yoni Mazor [00:08:01] New Jersey. But you know, the business is actually in Detroit, Michigan. So I say of that, yeah, the supplement was a, you know, my brother was also live in New Jersey and I also have my sister and my aunt.
But when we started the supplement business, you have, for the most part, it was, it was. Yeah, it’s based in New Jersey. So to kind of move to the East Coast.
So for the supplements business, we did a few things. We opened a website, eCommerce. This was already two thousand nine so early, early on, and then I started putting the, you know, I used to fulfill the orders online.
Actually, Amazon at some point bought a company called soap dot com. So we had orders from that company always to sell them. We sell to Walgreens online and all these services.
So wholesale to other online platforms, but also we used to sell to, um, to generals like stores and stuff like that. And then we are actually open a few more locations. So I was in charge of my locations.
We are like retail kiosks that, you know, offer these supplements And he will recall my granddaughter here. They call them the kiosks.
So, yeah, so that was kind of unusual to give us a very, very good exposure here in the tri-state area. And then we started selling brick and mortar to Walgreens. But I guess my point of view to make is that I got my experience in e-commerce.
And then, you know, after we had the website we sold to other websites, I started putting the products on eBay and also on Amazon. Actually, the first listing ever created by Amazon was for those products as private labels.
Later on I, you know, did a lot of reselling, but the earlier releases around Amazon. Yeah, this is like 10 years ago, maybe 2001, probably 2011. That’s 20 years ago to 2011. That’s when I got my early kind of seeds within Amazon. So I don’t know if we’re going to win today or not to go like this thing sold so new to me.
Tomer [00:09:49] You know, I’m always curious to know about people. They never really know their background and all this stuff. What leads them?
And a lot of times I see you guys operate, you really think big. I like it this way. This approach and I want to really try to understand how you really how it comes to you.
Maybe your brother, you saw, you know, people around you thinking big and doing big things and you wanted also to do that. Wow, you really how you really got the skill of really work doing big things.
Yoni Mazor [00:10:21] Yeah, So if you owe us it in a few ways, first of all, when I’m actually doing these things, they don’t feel big to me. They just feel like this is what I have in front of me.
I got to do it. It’s a mission. I think I got the ability to be honest in the army. You know, what is the army is a big body full of people, all have their missions and focuses, and they’re doing really big things, right?
So that’s why I see myself as a soldier. I still am today. I have a mission. That’s it. And everybody around me, they have a mission you can call like an army. Let’s put it that way.
But I guess the spirit of me that always kind of wants to innovate or do things in a very good way is if I look back a little bit, it’s, you know, the family structure. My grandfather was definitely a big influence on ours.
You know, what he built was, you know, coming from nothing the United States and living the American dream that was a, you know, very influential. My father is a lawyer.
He has his own office. So we’re going to have to make his own way. So that was very influential. My mother is a social worker, so I always had. I want to see compassion.
Yeah, you have a balance of compassion. Business is good to have to be very strong compassion and might be also very important.
So she was helping, you know, you know, people who are needed and with the social, you know, social, you know, affairs. So, you know, makes all these elements together. That’s kind of my upbringing.
And I guess I always appreciate entrepreneurship because of, you know, my family structure and also reading in the news. I always kind of was drawn to stories of all these success stories of people that, you know, you know, they’re just entrepreneurs.
They were pushing and they felt they saw an opportunity. Maybe a small maybe was modest. Maybe it was really big, but they had to fight hard and I learned very quickly on that.
All great successes came from tremendous failures. Tremendous challenges. Nobody has it easy. Nobody, if somebody is listening, oh, we can have this easy passive income while I work with, I don’t.
I think it’s a great book with a lot of good elements. I don’t think that exists. If you’re a real entrepreneur, if you were kind of a, you know, your character is more of employee and this is not able to create yourself a four-hour workweek in a good passive income and you’re happy.
But I think a real entrepreneur in heart and spirit is not very so. There are two things I like to see there’s spiritual and material. Both of them are very hungry spiritually. Always got to find a way to have happiness, but also in business.
You always got to, you know, if there’s more opportunity, more things to do, better things to improve, you always hung out with that and you not restful because when you’re doing it, you’re happy. That is happiness.
Yeah, when you are engaging and we do all the things, you’re happy. That’s how I really find myself happiness. Just a small disclosure. I haven’t taken a vacation in three years because I don’t feel like I need to.
I’m just really having kind of a good time working hard and being with, you know, my family. I see them, my family, and with them all the time. But also the team this and that, so I take great joy with just accomplishing things.
Tomer [00:13:04] But I guess they could travel a lot, so it’s a little break from what you do.
Yoni Mazor [00:13:10] So, you know, exactly that’s what my lucky. I just saw you in Miami. So, you know, I get the opportunity, I say rather. Also, it’s nice to meet them. So, yeah, I get I got very lucky.
I’m able to now, especially, you know, now everybody gets the shots and they got the vaccines job to go around. Laying you 20 20 was a little rough. Nobody got it out.
Nobody went anywhere. So that was a little, you know, hard and challenging. But yeah, so looking back, what pushed me or drives me, though the construction of it, I think that’s kind of the elements there.

Tomer [00:13:35] Yeah, yeah, for sure. And I want to really mention one more thing from my perspective. So what? I’m trying to really, really show people in this channel and the in Sourcing Monster is that working on yourself and working hard and we do the things that other ones do.
That’s what really will take you to success. It’s ultimately how you celebrate the listing, how we do the coupon because when you are hungry, you’ll find the way to do things right. When do you do the things that others don’t do?
You’ll find that you just like then X and you will get the success will come to you. So yesterday, for example, I had a YouTube line that’s focused on how you can kill it on Amazon with your daily routines like your morning routine, your routines, and I recommended I wake up very early like four or five AM.
And start by exercising, start by learning new things, and you start your day stronger and then you just continue your whole day like you grab that same kind of momentum from the morning and you apply it on your day and you just keep pushing.
So what is it like? It’s a hundred percent sure. Like there is nothing. Success is not free. It won’t come to like that, like for hours. You have to work with you have to work for it every day.
Yoni Mazor [00:14:50] Four-hour workweek can be a reality. If you have a team that works in your spirit and it can really get the job done and then you can really rely on them, that’s rare.
It can be achieved. But even then, we’re always going to care. Yeah, even if you really push for hours, it’s in your mind.
Like, How are they doing? I hope it’s OK. It’s just a mindset thing. If you really are successful and you care about your business, if you’re you can be frivolous.
You know, in good times you will have fun, but at that time you might go down and never see it again, and then you have to go back to the whole cycle.
But yeah, I got to the stage of my life where, you know, I got the little seeds in Amazon. It’s not really the full Amazon experience. It’s not the moment when Amazon sucked me in.
I guess the moment Amazon sucked in is so what happened when I was helping with this, you know, supplements company. But then in the synagogue I was, I’m Jewish, I’m religious, I attend synagogue and the synagogue. I’m at a very special guy today who is my partner.
You know, so was so Barnesville today. You know, he was doing accounting. I was doing the sales and distribution. We had, you know, we had good chemistry between us.
We’re all, you know, both of us, you know, I had a very good entrepreneurial spirit, I would say. And then we started kind of selling stuff on eBay, you know, whatever we can get our hands off
Tomer [00:15:56] Because a lot of connections come in the synagogue, right?
Yoni Mazor [00:15:58] I love oh yeah, it’s a big lesson. We talk about community, right? You know, the e-commerce community, it’s very similar to at least for me.
Every Saturday, every weekend we go to the synagogue, we meet the community as a community approach helping each other. We’re not we don’t expect to get anything in return.
Somebody doesn’t feel well, somebody had a baby or somebody passed away. You do all these things to help out to be helpful.
So now being in the environment of e-commerce, sales community, and the Asian help I was, I’m going to be very happy to help. So hopefully that spiritually, that’s where we’ll kind of penetrate and go around it and think it is a lot of people very helpful and it just a magical thing.
But anyway, you know, we got along and then we start selling stuff on eBay, whatever we could get our hands off it because it was very exciting. We saw that even on eBay, you can make good money just by offering stuff. And then in 2013.
I believe we started kind of an offering of the stuff online and especially with watches, we’re very, very into watches. We had a good connection here and a good supplier and distributors and
Tomer [00:16:53] Science watches or some.

Yoni Mazor [00:16:55] We start with a very high end, you know, because what happened was check out this storied opportunity, right? We saw that you know, we’re in the New Jersey, northern jersey, Bergen County, New York area of 47th Street is very close.
You know, all about it, right? We saw that this is two thousand eleven twelve is ready. We saw that, you know, a lot of these jewelry stores, they’re going to have less traffic, but whatever it is, they have less traffic than it used to do. Right? Yeah, because why is it’s kind of going online?
So we come in and we have the relationships, so we come in and they have in their saved millions of dollars worth of inventory that just died. They don’t even have room to even show it there.
So what do we do? Very simple. We see opportunity. We came, we made a big database, went to all these stores we can with the box in our studio box that we can put the watches in the pictures and list them this list and list, by the way.
But yeah, so we had a whole database. Also, we have millions of dollars worth of inventory that’s available to buy on eBay. Well, Rolex is billings.
Tomer [00:17:51] Doing it now? Does one do it like nobody else? Do you know what percent of people want to do that will go to the store? Hey, like, that’s what I’m talking about.
Yoni Mazor [00:17:59] So basically we told them, You go what? You want to plug your product online because they’re not safe. They’re not even outside. You want to plug it online and have an identity.
I’ll put it out there. You tell me the price you want to pay. I’m going to make a little commission and that’s it. They’re like, Yeah, I do all the labor, I do everything.
So we hustle every store. We came and build a relationship this and this and that and that was on eBay, and it was working very, very nicely. And this is why we still have jobs. But we got so much momentum.
We were able to kind of do it less and less our job, more and more and more to that. But then obviously, with their networks and connections, we discovered Amazon, I think just opened up.
I think was 12, or 13 where they just opened up the watch category like the guest open, right? Nobody was there. Yeah. So we’re able to start offering that
Tomer [00:18:38] there was opposition fear like?
Yoni Mazor [00:18:40] no, on the Julia was $5000. Once we got to the Julia category and you have to send your products in and get them tested.
But I know it was the norm because you have to kind of show that you have to put the right images, some simple requirements to show them that you know what you’re doing.
And then so then we kind of change the model a little bit from the, you know, because we have the spectrum of a regular watch, you know, jewelry somewhere, you know, if they open the show with you so as young as then.
So we had the low-end mid-range and high end on eBay, but on Amazon is more like the low end and mid-range, you know, maybe from 50 dollar watches all the way to maybe two $3000 tops maximum.
Yeah. So we discover that all of our the stores are working with their accounts and they can get supply it that you get, you know, brands and. And so we that’s what we shifted the model to start buying.
From just having it and no, just selling, and then I said Image works are buying and I mean lying and then like selling it by buying whole, you know, owning inventory, then selling it on Amazon because we discover they don’t get our best sales rank era statistical data over time. Or yes.
So we were able to utilize the data in our favor and really be able to buy and plan our inventory in order to really rotate every 30 days. Everything we buy has to kind of rotate 30 days.
We buy. We said we buy. We sell. Long story short 2013, the more we kind of popped into Amazon, that’s when things started exploding. That’s when we got sucked in. And we’re able to really leave our jobs to just do this full time.
The business moves very quickly from zero to 20 million-plus in revenue.
We start with the watches that kind of brought us in, but the natural progression was into jewelry, sunglasses, sunglasses for wear.
And then we just became like a little messy, little department store, everything we could get our hands-on. And then we started doing our private label products weren’t the jewelry, the backpacks we did also maybe where baby products and then yeah.
So from all that activity, we know we were obviously from a small place. We got to a bigger place. We have a 7000 square foot wasn’t big enough, so we had to start using three pills.
And then we became a part of a larger group that as a group, we’re doing over 100 billion in sales. So that’s kind of the trajectory of the retail business. I call it the retail track, but obviously all along the way.
We saw, you know, an FBA that, you know, there’s always discrepancies, and as we grow so much in volume, we kind of keep up with all the data that’s coming in. Really, the regular tools are just breaking that forced us to create technology.
I remember one business was not. It wasn’t from FBA, from Wyoming solution for my business. You know, you know, technology to be able to keep analyzing the data coming. That’s coming in. That’s one component.
The second component was just to set up a dedicated team. The team sits down with the data after it gets audited and opens up the case with Amazon and manages all the back and forthright together.
There, the power of data and a team of, you know, the services, create a solution. The solution is to make sure that we get the maximum FBA reimbursements that we’re eligible to receive.
Because why do we find, statistically speaking, that, you know, the discrepancy rate on an annual basis is between one to three percent? So what we’re doing a million dollars a year and once got it, yes, I had that thought over there.
So if we’re doing a million dollars a year, 10 to thirty thousand dollars, OK, but once you really know 10 million a year, the 200 to 300000, once we’re doing 100 million a year as a group, that’s one of the three million.
So we need technology. We need a team, you know, to apply real resources, enterprise-grade level resources to get the solution. So we did that, we did that. You know, we helped a lot.
And then we shared with a few of our friends from the industry that we have these capabilities. And they told us, help us will pay you. And that was the early genesis and creation of a guitar back in 2015 to 2016.
So because the model is very, very flexible and comfortable, it was growing organically on its own for a few years because it’s free to join gets you to actually just say we’re going to, you know, we only charge a fee based on recovery. So, you know,
Tomer [00:22:42] No monthly fee and nothing of no subscription.
Yoni Mazor [00:22:44] Yeah. No subscription, no contract. Nothing. Only if we get your money, we get paid. We pay, you know, we get paid. Twenty-five percent.
So let’s say this month we got your hundred dollars, we charge twenty-five percent, which would be twenty-five dollars next month. We get you zero dollars, you pay zero. That’s that was the model.
So that was going in organically for a few, a few good years. And then it grew to such a degree where we had two good businesses, retail and also, you know, I guess, solutions, but zero.
And then we are kind of a bit of a pivotal point where we kind of made, you know, a leap of faith who said, you know, we thought we achieved a lot and we feel like, you know, we kind of peaked. But with this solution provided, we have the opportunity of so many sellers worldwide and also we were very passionate about it.
So we said, OK, we’ll cash out of retail focus. You know, we take all of our resources, put it into just helping others. And the more we did that in our, you know, our entire focus motivation, energy, creativity, energy, whatever, it was just amazing.
Yeah, just with the helping others, that’s what gets you to really kind of took off into it, into, you know, it, it blew off like a volcano.
So, you know, we kind of took a leadership position in this little niche that issues Amazon FBA auditing and reimbursement. And it taught me a very valuable lesson.
You know, having two businesses are successful, it’s cool. But for us, you know, the focus is just on one. Just made a world of a difference because there’s no destruction, because, you know, retail and power solutions kind of different worlds.
But we thought, you know, we had like a nine million dollar balance sheet that’s always on your chest. You got to keep rolling. You got a good it’s inventory.
Tomer [00:24:17] It’s not the cash flow business.
Yoni Mazor [00:24:19] Yeah, it just sucks you in hard. You got to be super responsible. It’s great. I love the thrill. Don’t get me wrong, and we’re very successful with it. One solution provider says I have the same thrill, but just about everybody else has that balance sheet.
Everybody else is over there. So now I’m writing billions of dollars worth of transactions every day, so billions of dollars worth of dollars to kind of care about. So all of an on a scale-up and I’m helping.
So it’s, you know, it’s a same connection from a different angle and I have the luxury and privilege to have that. The focus is Dana just on that. And then, you know, it creates an impact.
Tomer [00:24:50] Did you sell that business? Why did you do it?
Yoni Mazor [00:24:51] Oh, we’re just cashed out of the market. This is before the glorious exit days, so we just cashed out our balance sheet and everything to add in profits, whatever it was. We’re just very focused on A. Yeah.
Tomer [00:25:01] Surprise for people like you with this mindset that you couldn’t really sell it than some opportunity with that. Yeah.
Yoni Mazor [00:25:06] So back then
Tomer [00:25:07] you were very excited about to date. It just didn’t really care much.
Yoni Mazor [00:25:11] Yes, it wasn’t even like a thing, a problem. But this is before like today, this is before this. A few years ago before there was so much money into this. So we didn’t really think about the value of money, so we didn’t really think somebody would value it.
And what are we going to sell to? So we didn’t waste too much time. We do have to do it, to do to keep moving. And really, I’ve got no complaints as well.

Tomer [00:25:30] Everything happens for a reason, so that’s really amazing. Why don’t you tell us how what kind? First of all, let’s talk about the get right was nice talking about your background, knowing about you.
I learned a lot, and it’s really awesome story that you have here and we can get into more details. Maybe in the future when we have more time.
But getting data, what kind of recovery is, what kind of reimbursements people can get that they don’t even know. So I always say it’s like, you know, maybe it’s twenty-five percent to some people, it’s a lot, but it’s better than zero, right?
So it’s better to have seventy-five dollars out of a hundred than zero.
So why don’t you tell us, give us some scenarios, what people can get, what Amazon offers, you know, what kind of tricks, what how Amazon makes it difficult for small sellers or sellers without really internal systems or big budgets to really understand what is owed and what not?
Yoni Mazor [00:26:24] Got it! I’ll try to. I’ll be honest, this whole subject of FBA auditing and reimbursements is very boring. It’s very unsexy. Yes, I’ll try to make it as simple and understandable as possible.
So overall is probably 30 plus scenarios of things that kind of happen along the way with your inventory and FBA. And I’ll give the roadmap of how it all happens because once you understand the commerce concept, everything kind of falls into place.
So you sell on Amazon, you want to utilize FBA, you have a ship and you want to ship 1000 units. Amazon’s fulfillment center. That’s the beginning of everything.
You ship a thousand units, but Amazon, instead of receiving 1000 units, they’re receiving one hundred ninety ten units are missing entry-level.
Mozilla should be aware of this. If you’ve never heard of this, you have to actually look at the shipments, log and go to the shipment and find that and actually open a case and tell them to research. You never heard about this.
As soon as this episode ends, you’re going to get your sell essential. Check out your shipments, find the ones that are missing, inventory 11 cases. You’re going to get paid and you’re the money. That’s a simple,
Tomer [00:27:26] easiest win, right?
Yoni Mazor [00:27:27] Yeah, they call low-hanging fruit, but we get we can go back to them more later. There are a few challenges there, but we can discuss them later if needed.
OK, that’s the entry-level model is known about. It’s fine. But once your inventory is inside Amazon’s fulfillment center it got to receive rent instead of the sooner we can get lost, damaged, destroyed the superior spores, or overcharge what feels like five scenarios. That’s the part.
Yeah, that’s my it gets a little bit more complex. That’s only going to simplify it as much as possible. That’s inside the warehouse, but also it can happen between the warehouses because sometimes Amazon, much of your products from Kentucky to California, California to Nevada.
So has a better spread for consumers. Things happen there, right? Because you can always ask what’s going to go wrong? That’s one of the things go wrong. I don’t know the truck.
Tomer [00:28:09] I had an accident.
Yoni Mazor [00:28:10] Yeah, things job fell. You know, somebody like your product took it, whatever. And so also from the former Senate to the customers, things happen there. If you get lost, damaged, or destroyed, the superior disposed of it.
Overcharge with fees from the consumers back to Amazon, with all the returns and the refund from Amazon back to the seller if they do removal orders.
So all these logistical friction points that are in all these scenarios happen if you have, you know, five or six chain reactions that five or six scenarios, that’s 30 plus issues. So that’s kind of the name of the game in a very simplified matter.
So the challenge is on the auditing side is basically what we did. We create technology. I’ll give an analogy to make is to simplify it.
Also, we create an ability for every single unit that the sellers are shipping to FBA. We create a like a bodyguard, like a shadow. And that’s not always going with be through the data right through the way.
I was always able to check what was going on. It came in. Now it’s not there anymore. Was it not there anymore? OK, got sold. What’s your idea that you’re OK? Did everything check out? Oh, it’s out there. Then it gets old.
Where is it? Where is it? Oh, it got damaged, OK? Did it get reimbursed already? Yes. OK, no problem. Didn’t get reimbursed. OK, let’s open a case, let’s discover what’s going on. Also, we apologize, use your reimbursement.
Tomer [00:29:25] I’m sorry to interrupt. So, I have actually a lot of the top videos on my channel that are about those reimbursements, how you can do it. And believe me, it’s if you don’t have like a tool, it’s a headache.
It takes a lot of effort to dig into reports and cross-check things manually. It’s just like doesn’t make sense for sellers. We want to focus on business, on marketing, and on the bottom line, although this like, as you said, it’s boring.
Yoni Mazor [00:29:53] It’s exactly it’s not sexy. All the sellers want to look forward, and they should. Marketing, branding, PPC sourcing, ranking. That’s what’s really creating the business.
You don’t want to look backward. I sent it to you. It’s old. I don’t look backward. We actually have to do it because it’s one to two percent that you might get back from all your revenue.
That’s why there are solutions out there that can help, you know, if there’s too much of a headache to a too confusing, you know what to do. The solutions out there, you know, reach out. We happen to be one of them.
We’ll be happy to help you. But really, the solution for us, it’s all I care about. If you talk to me about sport, I know nothing. It’s to about reimbursement. I could talk all day.
That’s kind of the idea here is that’s what we’re passionate about and solving and solving it on a very, very large scale. And that’s what we take a lot of pride in.
But yeah, as you said, it’s grabbing all these data points from all these different reports, putting it all together into a formula, and doing mathematics. It’s very, very data-driven.
And to simplify it even more, we consider ourselves actual auditors. What does that mean? We focus on mathematics. We’re focusing our finance on finding minus one.
When we find out mathematically minus one we present it to Amazon. And then the ambition of the project is to get to zero.
So we found it. It got discovered. OK, all good up apologized. We can’t. We can’t answer that. That’s when they apply the policy of FBA reimbursement. They provide that everybody’s good to go. It’s all about the minus one.
That’s why, you know, sometimes there are tools out there that use. If you submit the information, Amazon, ask a question or they sell you until you know you’re done, you know, OK, no means no.
But for us is not the case. If I wasn’t going to tell this, no, but we could clearly see a minus one. We’re going to reopen the case. Hey, look at the map and maybe explain a different matter and wait and then look at the minus one again.
I know there are going to be like, Oh, we apologize, here’s your reimbursement as that’s what we have, though
Tomer [00:31:38] It happens a lot.
Yoni Mazor [00:31:39] Yeah, that’s right. So we have an effective ability to take a rejected case and convert it to a paid case, and that could be very huge. There’s a lot of potentials that is so.
So the idea is for us is that we encourage the sellers to do as much as they can on their own to get all the reimbursements that they can get after they’re done. We could come in whatever is left behind.
We’re going to catch that and bring it back to your pocket and only if we’re successful doing it, only then we’re going to get rewarded.
So that is kind of that gets you to magic. It’s very customizable. It doesn’t have to be us or you. It can be together. I think you also apply that method. Also, you’re doing have a good team, you have a good system.
Whatever you’re getting, you’re getting. And then we come in and we back you up as you go along and make sure nothing is left behind and only if it’s successful. That’s when you kind of really, you know, we get rewarded,
Tomer [00:32:19] and it’s not that they didn’t test it out. So I tested having it with our own systems as you did back then. So we created spreadsheets and automation and stuff.
But at some point, I just realized like, what the heck I’m doing here? I’m like stupid focusing and my energy and my time trying to save a little penny here or there doesn’t make sense.
So if you are watching the videos that I did back then, I’m so excited about how you can save money. Yeah, you can save it, but use the service and let the professionals do it. Like, what they do, they build systems that you know a small business can create.
Yoni Mazor [00:32:56] So yeah,? I want to add something to that. You got excited because, at that moment, you know what’s going on.
The thing is, with the reimbursements that are very, very important to the cloud, it keeps evolving. Much like PPC, PPC today is not what it was a year ago and five years ago is a different game.
That is, it’s always changing, sending me a reimbursement. The data sets keep on changing. The logic keeps on changing the algorithms so we constantly innovate and adapt to that to find the real opportunity and have the right mathematics.
That’s why if you find the juice in the formula, it doesn’t mean that tomorrow you going to have the ability to understand that if it changes for us, this is the only focus that we have brought.
So we have built an R&D R&D for us. We know that the only thing that doesn’t change is to change. It keeps on changing. That is where people maybe can get confused, saying,
Hey, I got this good, do it. But the more we don’t get this, we can back you up, and that’s probably going to happen. That’s exactly what you experienced.
Once again, you don’t want to look back. You’re going to apply all these resources just to get, you know, to go to be able to go back and know you want to put a lot of resources to go forward to have growth. Crazy growth. Not just to kind of get back whatever it was.
Tomer [00:33:58] I think, you know, as I said at the beginning, how we used to think big. So this is a small, small thinking mindset, definitely not really focusing on the wrong things. And, you know, things.
Yoni Mazor [00:34:09] That impact where you and your team can create the most impact for business and where other partners solution for whatever we want to call them can create an impact for you where overall you just you’re just killing it.
You’re just crushing you, you’re blowing up at scale, you know, lecture you should be in not just wasting your time on all these rabbit holes where you could get lost easily and just kind of stay behind.
Tomer [00:34:27] Yeah, yeah. I want to wrap up this podcast to keep it short so people can engage in, you know, maybe we can live like a little, you know, taste for them for the future.
Do you have about being a guest again? But there are some numbers to share with us, like how much money recovered in 2020 or 2021? Some, you know, some factors that could be cool.
Yoni Mazor [00:34:52] Um, if you want to mess with your head, yeah, if you a few points of consideration, we’re recovering tens of millions of dollars every year, you know, for our users.
We ought to do it with dollars worth of transactions. We have, you know, we operate globally. So we obviously offer the solution for families and US sellers in Canada, Mexico, the UK, and the EU.
We have close to 100 team members in six countries. We’re the largest organization in the world dedicated just to this. This is all we do.
That said, we don’t sell on Amazon, we don’t do advertising. I think this is all the focus that we have. And yeah, that’s kind of the numbers. Also, we are. We won the gold award from Amazon are nothing else in the American Business Awards, eBay for dashboard technology.
Because we actually want to connect to get you to get access to the dashboard in the dashboard, to get real-time visibility because behind the scenes you have a whole army working for you.
But all that work is live in real-time. Imagine all the videos that you can always see on the dashboard where they’re doing it, you’ll be able to see all the cases that are open. You know, what’s the status of each case for your backend controller?
That’s the for the user, for you. You should go your way, your dashboard, you go to the dashboard, see the case the way open for you. What’s the status of each case? To get paid to get rejected is still pending. How much money was recovered in the past 30 days, 60 days, 90 days?
Now there are two more features on the dashboard. I think it’s worth mentioning. One is never one, right? There is one new. There’s one that we just recently released and the one that was released last year.
So I’ll start with the older one and then I’ll go to the new one the other one is the pick and pack module. We’re able to put in your weight and dimensions and then we can run an audit.
And if Amazon is overcharging you with your weight and dimensions, we’ll get you reimbursement. Small example, even retroactively. Yeah, you can go back 90 days. So this is your product and it’s a phone cover, and it’s less than a pound less than 10 inches.
It’s supposed to charge you three and a half dollars every time they pick it packet by the pick from the bin, the package box to ship it. They’re supposed to charge you three and a half.
They’re not there. Maybe they have the wrong data, so they think this product is 10 pounds and one hundred inches, so they’re charging you ten dollars every time you sell it. So you have was do not
Tomer [00:36:51] like, you know, we have to request this.
Yoni Mazor [00:36:53] We need your data for the money. We give us your data. So you confirm to us this is my way to the dimension that you go check that’s what we could do, the check and then we can.
If Amazon is overcharging you, we catch that we open a case to achieve two things first thing up, update the data. So going forward, you save all the overcharges and they go back 90 days.
You get all the money back, you know, past 90 days, they charge, you overcharge you ten thousand dollars, we’ll get that for you. So I didn’t know
Tomer [00:37:15] that the event is this, though it’s only fair that it was
Yoni Mazor [00:37:17] exactly. You’ll make more money just waiting for it for this time. So because of your time, hopefully, you’ll get before and the model, the latest tool that we will launch is if you look in our dashboard on the left side, it’s called.
There’s a breakdown of all your shipments, all the shipments you ever did, and then it breaks down which ones that need more attention. OK.
And then if you’re a private label seller and repeat if you’re a private label seller only if you’re a reseller, this does not apply.
But if your private label seller, when you open, you know a case to reconcile regime, and Amazon needs packing slips or documentation proving that is a challenge or delivery, right?
Yeah, it could be a variety of documentation, at least on the package slip side. We have a new tool we call a dock master.
Where you can use, where you know, helps you set up, you know, the packing list packing slip in a click of a button. So you have a ready for use, you have to go back and you know, that’s what I’m
Tomer [00:38:11] doing right now. OK, so I have shipments. A year ago, I came to my four there and they say, it’s too long. I don’t have this data anymore. I don’t. I can get in the bowl. So we do have tracking numbers.
But the master tracking number by UPS, but doesn’t show all the others. So basically your tool can create it.
Yoni Mazor [00:38:29] No, no. So that’s a bit different on the tracking side, we can’t get involved there, but on the package side, so if you’re private, label seller Amazon needs a package.
So for you, what does it pack? Sleep really means it’s basically a proof of purchase, say I’m company ABC. This is my information. This is this Jim and I’m the owner of this shipment. I’m the owner of
Tomer [00:38:47] the invoice that’s proof of purchase.
Yoni Mazor [00:38:49] Yeah, this way you don’t need an invoice. You don’t have to show your supplier. You manufacture this instead of that. Well, because only for private label. If your reseller, you have to show
Tomer [00:38:57] Him on-off time. Yeah, they have
Yoni Mazor [00:38:59] a gazillion hours because they only had access all in one platform, all in one login.
Tomer [00:39:03] And that’s the was with Amazon, right? Oh yeah.
Yoni Mazor [00:39:06] Yeah, this is the tool. This is because sellers have these tools to make the packing slip, but instead of going to another platform and doing it there, you have built-in software.
It just makes it easy, makes it simple, so less frictionless. So it’s built-in. It’s kind of the latest innovation, and it’s very helpful. Once again, it helps, you know, our commitment.
Our mission is to make sure that sellers get the maximum FBA reimbursement that’s eligible to receive and try to make it as easy as possible because it’s not so easy, it’s not so fun. What we’re trying to make an exciting, you know, we’re trying to make an exciting what we’re yeah.
Tomer [00:39:36] Yeah, the exciting part is when you get there is so like you said, like an average day, one day wake up, you see, oh, like instead of, let’s say, thousand dollars profit there you see thirty-nine to it.
So that’s cool. What you can give our people, all of my viewers, the YouTube subscriber is there and any offer. I know we work on a specific page, which is to get data that comes from Munster. What get you to come forward slash for such a short tester?
Yoni Mazor [00:39:58]So it gets you to the account for such monster and over, they’re going to be able to get a four hundred dollar offer basically the first four hundred dollars we’re going to get for you, and FBA reimbursements will be free.
We’re not going to charge you a penny. It might take us a day a year, but that’s a guarantee. You can have $400 extra in your pocket just for trying us out after 400 bucks. If you want to leave us, you can leave. If you want to say you can stay, we’re just, you know, trying to help him.
Tomer [00:40:22] Yeah, so definitely use that link and it’s going to support the channel as well and support you because the twenty-five percent that you mentioned at the beginning for the first 400 want apply.
So, you know, on top of that, you have no risk at all, even if you pay the twenty-five percent, this is a nice bonus to start with.
So definitely check them out, you know, and it was super pleasing to know more about you. I thought I know you are great, but now I know you even more. So yeah, thank you for the opportunity, and also thank you for what you do for the community.
All these events that you support and help, always trying to help and support even, you know, in Miami event, you know, you always try to help and give in to anyone.
And that’s life. When you create value, you get it back, and it’s really nice for me to see your success. And I wish you really great success in 2020, too as well. And hopefully, you can be here again as a guest in the future. Give us some updates and more about you.
Yoni Mazor [00:41:22] That will be amazing. Thank you so much. You’ve been a pleasure. And good luck to everybody.
Tomer [00:41:26] Thank you. Now, please, my friends, do me a favor and share these videos with other people that might benefit from this video. It will help me grow the channel, and I will really appreciate it, and I’ll see you in the next video.
Thank you very much for watching.
Need more Amazon FBA tips? Read my complete Amazon FBA guide or enroll in my Amazon FBA course today!